Jul 16, 2020
@bugonia completely agree.

like if in this story yunifer being too close and befriend rael readers would be like "oMg wHy aRe yOu bEing sO niCe to hEr </3" but yunifer did the complete opposite (avoided her and not being friend with her) and yall still coming for my girl's neck like just stop... like i do wish they became friend in this time and help her to get away from the prince but blaming yunifer for what she did just Isnt It.
Aug 8, 2018
really hate people like this in real life. If someone doesn't want to be your friend (or any close relationship), take the hint and find someone else!
Jun 5, 2019
Aw I feel a little bad for Rael now.

It’s too bad Yunifer didn’t have the foresight to realize her very existence would change the story so completely. Then she could have enjoyed herself more and worried less.

Honestly the thought of academy Yunifer and Ishid dating is such a cute idea. I’m so for it.

Awww he doesn’t know he’s attractive. Oh when he looked at his reflection and only saw his dads angry face made me so sad! 😭 Yunifer you better love this boy better!

Thank you for translating this chapter.
Mar 13, 2019
Yunifer did the right thing, she put herself first and didn’t want to get involved with anything that could make her own life go sour, she very politely told rael that she wasn’t pursuing a friendship with her, and was very clear about it so idk why people think she’s being rude/mean? Like if someone tells you respectfully that they don’t want to be friends the right thing to do is to respect that decision and move on... rael trying to form a connection there still after all this time when she knows yunifer isn’t comfortable with it us kinda shitty tbh
Mar 23, 2019
People don't realize that Yunifer only avoids Rael cause she knows about the future... but that shouldn't influence how she acts and treats Rael in the present like??? There isn't really a valid reason of not wanting to be friends... Cause the thing is, Rael literally did nothing to warrant that except for what MIGHT happen in the future :I
Aug 17, 2020
pls stop sniping this project
also I agree, from Yunifer's perspective it was literally avoid her or meet a death ending, so she chose the former in hopes of living out life peacefully. Feels a bit bad for Rael but it is what it is (so far..)

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