Fed-Kun's army
Oct 10, 2019
Super amazingly awesome, but if Devils get power from fear, stuff like the hell devil and the gun devil makes sense to be super strong, but I can't seem to remember a point in my life where I was scared of chainsaws
Jan 18, 2018
@MangoCo I forgot which chapter it is but it was stated that Devils fear the sounds of chainsaws so I'm guessing the Chainsaw devil is far more effective against other devils
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
@CrimsonManga89 I wouldn't say makima was stronger than the darkness devil; she's at best as strong as the devil, but most likely weaker. She had the hell devil transport all of them quickly because she knew she couldn't kill him, just stall for time. People fear the darkness way more than their loss/lack of freedom. That's why darkness is a primordial fear and dominion isn't.

I do agree about pochita being more than just the chainsaw devil. Pochita probably goes by another name, but when it was killed in hell and revived on earth, it reverted to the chainsaw devil. that's why it's so weak.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Are we all gonna ignore the fact that was a one-hit KO?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I really don’t know how I feel about the recent chapters. I mean, it’s interesting and surprising, but that’s only initially. After about a minute after I’m done reading I’m just kinda “okay so wtf is going on?”. At this point I don’t know what direction the author is going in or how this could possibly end. Which is pretty dangerous. As a reader, I shouldn’t be able to guess the entire plot, but I should know more or less what’s going on and what the scope of the outcome will be. Like in a murder mystery. I shouldn’t be able to guess WHO did it, but I should be able to understand that SOMEONE did it and its going to end with the detective like character figuring out who exactly that someone was. There’s also the problem that basically everything I was coming to love about this manga just died the last chapters. There’s a thin line between good surprises and bad surprises (or exciting readers and subverting their expectations). As a reader, I kinda feel tricked and lied to. I mean the initial premise and characters I was reading for is just gone now. That’s not exactly a happy surprise that makes me what to keep reading. To explain it in terms of Doctor Who, its like a fan favorite previous incarnation of The Master returning for a series finale vs. Rewriting the Doctor’s origin for a series finale. Those are both surprises, but one is exciting for fans and the other completely undermines their knowledge of the show thus far.

Just reading this chapter (after what happened last), I can’t really say I was enjoying it or particularly invested any more. It was kinda just “sure. That might as well happen”. Yes, I know Makima was obviously evil (though I was kinda hoping she wasn’t), but the fact she went this far (and the author let her go this far) is what didn’t click with me. Stuff like when she stopped Denji from getting a girlfriend and starting a normal life with that Russian (?; can’t exactly remember) girl, was enough. It got the point across that she didn’t want him to enjoy a normal life and needed to confine and control him. I really didn’t need ALL of this to happen and all my favorite characters to die.

And I honestly don’t feel like the characters are staying dead (I mean these weren’t just my favorite characters, but everyone’s and basically the whole cast), but dragon ball level of revival isn’t something I’m looking for either. That feels like it cheapens death as a whole. Regardless with everything that’s happened (and so quickly), I’m not sure how much longer the series will last. I’ll probably skip to the last chapter and see how it ends so I’m not entirely confused.
Sep 27, 2019
So it seems that Denji's "followers" is named after the hierarchy of angels. They're Seraphim, Cherubim (Beam), Thrones, Dominions, Virtue, Powers, Principalities (Princi), Archangels, and Angels. My question is who does Galgali represent? I can't find the word galgali to be close to either thrones nor archangels. Sorry for my bad english
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 20, 2018
@Aoyuki Galgalim or Ophanim are another name for Thrones.
Also Archangel is a rank, not a type of angel. They are leaders and can be of any type. Though I wouldnt count out the addition of one yet. (could even be Gun Fiend if he comes back)
Since we are at it, there's this image (not by me):
to note there's also a passage about the beast from the sea having a fatal wound on its head, that healed (remember Makima being shot in the head). There's a lot of loose religious allusions, fitting it, Chainsawman or Pochita is likely Satan/Lucifer/The devil (yes, I know they are not the same but its resumed as one by most nowadays) ,but it can be written in several ways, we dont even know if heaven really exists in this world (Hell and Heaven might even be the same place which would put CSM as god).
We are also missing the beast from the Earth, but story-wise its understanding that it didnt show up yet. (I had a theory that it would be Kobeni as devil of deception or illusions, though I dont put much weight to it). Makima could also be the demiurge, this stuff is not 1:1.
Anyway it depends on how closely to religious themes the author wants to go, but it looks like we are entering the apocalypse and I wouldnt say that the manga is ending, I think this is where the real juice starts. His previous work seemed like it would more than once too.
To note, the book of revelation which speaks of the apocalypse includes a door that once open can not be shut. (though its god that is supposed to open it)
I have a few theories as to where this will go... I think the truth of the world might be a bit more complicated than we are initially led to believe, It still bothers me a bit that the primordials are called transcendent when they dont even leave Hell. Wonder if this will be a case of hell being a meeting place between two worlds who are at war and Primordials transcend the conflict between both sides and just act as equalizers or something.
Either way, the fact that Makima got interrupted when she was about to spill the beans makes me believe that we still have a lot to find out.

@TNT261 There's no mass revive, you can see that they are "revived" pretty much in the same way that Akane was. they are more like corpses being puppeteered (well, Dominion and Seraphim seem to be alive, Princi was willingly aligned with Makima but her hair down here implies that she's no longer alive due to having been used for Makima ability). Also this is the point of a series where you might wanna wait and read it in volumes, if you are expecting full exposition in one chapter, during writing transition peak, from an author whose strength is his visual storytelling, then you are gonna have a bad time. Things are gonna be explained, but in due time
Aggregator gang
Jan 25, 2018
if i remember correctly, devils get stronger / are born stronger the more their "aspect" is feared, which is why f.e. the darkness devil was so strong (even though i still dont fully understand how Makima apperently was stronger, do people fear beeing controlled that much?)
People aren't afraid of being controlled so much as they are afraid of losing control. This includes stuff like losing control of your body due to an injury and losing control of mental faculties due to trauma or old age. It's more than just a loss of agency—it can be considered a loss of one's self; the part of your being that separates you from being a mindless automaton.

It's interesting to note that the fear of darkness gradually weakens in most people as they mature while the fear of loss of control only becomes greater.
May 3, 2020
Thats an interesting talk (about makima)
My theory on why makima is so strong, just a guess or quick thought, is that its an subconscious fear. Human seeks freedom in all shapes and form. You know stuff like, when countries seeks freedom or something, they want to be freed from 'control' thus they seek freedom (sometimes its unnecessary or no one is controlling them). Even as a kid we want to be independent, to grow as an adult so were free of our parents 'control' lol (some naughty brats maybe xd). That subconscious fear of being controlled, give makima lots of power. that might be too extreme but smthing to think about haha
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2019
So... makima is the first one to say the title of this manga right?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2020
Ok I'm not really sure how the fear of chainsaws is greater than the fear of hell itself? He just one shot that chump
Active member
Apr 14, 2019
@leusee im assuming its because the chainsaw devil isnt the most feared thing on earth but according to previous chapters it may be the most feared thing in hell. the angel devil did say that the only thing a devil remembers before dying and coming to the living world is the sound of a chainsaw.
the manga never specifies that it has to be human fear that increases a devils strength, just fear in general. the chainsaw devil is, in all practicality, immortal due to it being able to attack and drink blood at the same time and fight forever without rest as long as it has blood (refer to the hotel arc with the eternity devil). so would it not be correct to assume that the devil feared by all other devils, would be the strongest of them all?
Aug 16, 2020
@TNT261 No they dead dead. I read Fujimotos previous manga, and he doesn't hesitate to kill his characters off with no revival. However, he likes to keep his manga extremely fast paced and I never personally feel like he ever introduces a character specifically to get killed off. Each death feels authentic and they all hit hard. I will give however, that due to this, his work feels a lot better reading in one sitting instead of waiting for weekly installments. Additionally, I think he can do the extremely fast paced story telling well and that it sets him apart from other mangakas... but the weakest aspect of Firepunch was how the final overall arc seemed to be extremely rushed. I think its hard to make judgements on this story due to how few mangas there are that are on this level of pacing but keep an open mind. It also is viable if you tend to prefer slower paced stories. However saying that it's completely unexpected is a little bit of a stretch. During the International Assassins arc, Kishibe talked to that other character about how to deal with makima and you already know how makima killed the bomb devil just to prevent Denji from bring happy. Did you really think that everything would just go back to normal afterwards? Now that would be disappointing.

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