@iratana @Derael We've never seen Law use his power to reattach something he didn't cause, but it's also important to remember that Law is a doctor, and his room power was coveted as an all powerful doctor ability that could not only repair any damage, but was also capable of performing immortality surgery on someone. You could be forgiven for forgetting that, since it was brought up so long ago, but his room ability is an actual cheat power for healing. It has been explicitly stated that it can heal almost any injury, reverse mutations and diseases, revert the effects of aging, and even stop aging entirely at the cost of the user's own life. It's ability to do the immortality surgery is an important plot point. The fact that the fruit is capable of this, and the drama and politics that inevitably surrounded that, is the entire reason the fruit ended up in Law's hands as a child in the first place.