Jan 18, 2018
Page 9:
"Well, if you apply it officially, the problem is..."
This is clearly a math problem being discussed in the classroom, which you know because Yamamoto replies with a number when called on by the teacher.
公式に doesn't mean "officially" here as an adverb, 公式 is a noun, and the に followed by the verb 当てはめる is the action being done to it. In the context of mathematics 公式 can mean "formula" in english. "Well, If you apply it to the/this formula" is likely a correct rough translation.

"Oh, I don't know if that's the right answer or not"
The teacher in japanese says おぉ 正解 まさか解けるとは
The おぉ there is exclamatory, expressing that he's impressed. It's hard to tell because manga loves not using punctuation in dialogue, but the 正解(correct) following it is meant to be the end of a single sentence, which is why in the original japanese there's a line break there. He's telling Yamamoto he got the answer right.

まさか解けるとは is an example of standard japanese practice where they don't finish sentences because the ending is implied by the part of the sentence spoken already.
In this case, he's basically saying that he didn't expect Yamamoto to solve it, and the fact that he did is surprising. We can assume Yamamoto's probably a bit of a slacker or dumb.
"Huh, that's correct. I didn't really expect a right answer from you" is a summation of what he's saying.

I noticed you didn't translate the sound of the students laughing at him either. You should have, it's important to Hori's reaction there. She's scared of being laughed at like that which is why she gets nauseous on that page.

on page 30:
"It's already yakekun!" is completely wrong lol

In the raw she says もうヤケクソ!(Mou yakekuso!). Mou in japanese can mean "already" but is also an exclamatory phrase to express annoyance or frustration. It's the latter in this case. Yakekuso (not yakekun, get better at distinguishing between ソ and ン) means desperate.
In other words, she's essentially saying she's out of ideas so she'll give up and go with the goth loli clothing. "Screw it", as it were.

There's almost definitely loads more errors in this translation but i just skimmed it really quickly and pointed out the two that were egregious enough to be obvious mistranslations.

imo work on your understanding of jp grammar and if you can't come up with a translation that makes clear sense to you and your readers (like the mistranslation on page 30), google more deeply or think harder about the sentence til you really understand it or you're not gonna improve
Group Leader
Sep 22, 2020
kelohmello, if you're interested in helping with the translations, just message me thru discord. it's just ikuo#5373, no capitals.
Feb 7, 2018
I hope this gets licensed one day, a bunch of sentences didn't make any sense.
Active member
Jul 23, 2018
While I am greatly thankful for you picking this up, but the sentences really hard to get.
I hope you will find a great translator, btw thank you for the work you put.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 6, 2018
Thank you for picking this up! Translation is iffy but works, don't worry too much and keep learning, no one else is going to pick this up anyways.
I'm hopeful for the story, 34 chapters seems like a good amount to get a complete story without any axes.
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@Ikuo Hey there, someone asked me to pick this up a while back but I didn't/don't really have the free time to do it alone. If it's just the translation though, I should be able to help. So uh, yeah, just a somewhat long-winded way of saying I'd be happy to help translate this series if you'd like me to (though Genshin Impact still has me in its grasp somehow).

Edit: Just saw your Disc, so I'll send a friend request there.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
thanks for picking this up man, kinda hard to read but i hope you get a good translator.
Aug 10, 2020
Thank you for picking this up. Hope we can finish this. Honestly i dont really mind some minor sentences not able to understand. As long as we can understand the reaction of the character and the story, its good enough. We appreciate for picking this up!

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