this is just a guess, but based on the flow of battle thus far, each lesser statue is notably weaker than Beru, the big guy is *probably* on a similar level, my guess is somewhat stronger overall because he seemed from the first encounter to be a power based build (damage dealer) and has the defensive bonus from being made of (probably magically reinforced) stone. whereas Beru felt more like a balanced melee build with a bit of a speed emphasis (he had good defense, good power, and group control abilities on top of his speed, which was his most emphasized trait after he became a shadow), as for the tablet bearer...that thing is probably several levels above anything MC can handle for now(or at least a conduit through which such a being is relaying its will), but it appears it wants him to "pass" this test. probably it intends to have MC do something either outside its skill set and/or in an area it cannot go to