Double-page supporter
Aug 4, 2019
That bunny in the last page looks a lot more agressive than the boar.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 7, 2019
Thanks for the TL! Having said that, I felt a lot of pronouns (I/he/she/it) got mixed up in this chapter. Plus, there were some... rough translations here and there, but I understood enough to get what was suppose to be said.

Hope the new team can get it together and improve. Thanks for the hard work and good luck!
Feb 7, 2018
I appreciate the effort in translating this. However, while most of it is fine, there are significant areas where the quality drops considerably.
For example:
1) Pg23, on panel 3, Yumia (dark haired woman) says "This is my sin". It makes no sense for taking care of children to be a sin. In the raws, she says "これは私の罪滅ぼし”. 罪 by itself might be "sin", but the phrase 罪滅ぼし means "atonement".

2) Pg23, on panel 4, you have "But as for Eris, it's her dream... I abandoned the village". In the raws, this is "だけどエリスは自分の夢の為に...村を捨てたの". First of all, the pronoun in the second bubble is clear wrong- It's clearly "She (Eris) abandoned the village" you can tell without having the raws let alone knowing Japanese. Secondly, TL missed the clause "の為に" or "for the sake of [her dream]" off the translation.

3) Pg 24, panel 2. TL has MC take a "bulk" for payment. In the raws, he takes a "カサ", or an "umbrella" as clearly shown in the panel.

4) Pg 25, panel 3. TL has the worker be "sorry for making the cart to carry the gigantic boar right now". This makes it sound as if the worker is sorry for making the carts at all, which makes no logical sense.

Following the raws, he says "申し訳ありません ただいま急ピッチでギガントボアを運ぶ荷車を作っておりまして", this would be more clearly put: "Sorry, we're working as fast as we can building the carts for carrying the Gigant boar..." ( the fact that "gigant "is in katakana and there are no modifers suggests "Gigant" is part of the species name, and not an adjective, but that's debatable and not the main point).

5) Pg 35, panel 2, Eris and Shin are by the campfire. You have the speech bubble saying "I never really had a proper family", making it look like Shin uncharacteristically broke into a monologue all of a sudden. However, the raw has "そう言えば、シンの家族について聞いたことなかったな" which is "Speaking of which, I haven't heard about Shin's family yet". This a completely different line that clearly comes from Eris.
There are two possibilities here: either there was a mix up and different line got put here during editing/placement by accident, or the translator couldn't understand it (despite being able to somewhat understand arguably harder lines prior) and made shit up.

There are other small errors here and there like pronouns referring to the wrong person or wrong nuances in English (like pg 37, panel 3 where Shin's statement of intent to check the traps in the raws is translated into a question ), but I've highlighted the most jarring ones in the spoiler above.

I understand that most translators are fellow Japanese learners like I am and aren't experts and that some mistakes can occur. But the multiple missing important clauses on top of that means something is wrong with the TL process.

I also understand that many translators might not speak fluent English. That's fine. That's what proofreaders are for. But the glaring contextual mistakes in English makes it seem like the proofreaders didn't actually read the lines in context.

Whatever the case, I hope this reaches the TL team and that the members involved take this constructively, and that your next TL work is better.
Nov 1, 2018
Considering how long it's been since the last upload, the quality is REALLY bad. I don't mean that as in you "should have had time to do better" - we all can agree that life is a bitch - but since it's been a while, a lot of the context for readers is gone, so when the translation is confusing, it's even easier than usual to get lost.

I hope you manage to find some proofreaders for the next chapter. In the meantime, thank you for all your hard work
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
So there were some problems with the translation. I thought I was going crazy rereading the text.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
> Welllllllllllllllll, whom among us wants Yumia as a membe of Harem (if applicable)
Yey, its me, and i want her to.... Definitely an onee-chan type...

> The backstory of Eris, saying she was weak when she was a child back then on the orphanage, well that is a given.
Consoling words will not get to her, but i think you can argue that if you can find another child in the whole world with a super hero power, then there's a chance you can do something to that giant boar.
But since it isnt there to begin when, your justice cannot be served because you are a child.

Since the incident brings trauma to Eris, i can understand she wants to take revenge.
My point is, if not for the naivety of MC, no one wants to party with her because she didnt master social interactions to make connections and form a 6 man party....
Double-page supporter
Jun 18, 2018
I thought I was just having trouble reading but the quality is pretty bad
Mar 21, 2020
Shin is so Badass he needs to fuck yumia,main girl,and sister?/goddess to increase the badass genes

P.S. Yumia is My Favorite so far, but i dont think that this manga is a harem(although all of the girls have a big water filled balloons ,so i prefer it if it is going to be a harem)

@Dexterstomato more like a gentle type girl
Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2019
Oh good, I didn't actually lose my reading comprehension. Thanks for the tl correction retnemmoc! The chapter makes a bit more sense now.
Group Leader
Sep 16, 2020
Please don't criticize the work. People do try their upmost best to provide chapters of series. Yes, the translations could be better, but please don't comment about how bad it turned out...
Double-page supporter
Oct 31, 2019
The first couple chapters feel a bit rushed, things started kind of in media res, now things are happening and I have absolutely no interest or investment in the characters whatsoever.
Jun 8, 2020
"All because i was weak..."
"If was strong enough no one would've gotten hurt..."

she was literally a child, she couldn't do anything even if she was 10x stronger
it would be like 10 childs fighting with a GIANT BOAR

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