I feel like if that 'celeb' was that famous/rich/successful enough she could've easily just bought a plane ticket to some faraway tropical island on the guise of a 'vacation' or picking some 'out of the way dangerous country' or so unless it'd be too risky that it wouldn't be painless. (tho given how high suicide rates are in jp, you'd think that one guy who doesn't want his crappy stepdad? to get money or so wouldn't kill himself if the insurance company pays out either way versus like, in front of a train, idk if it'd be chalked up as an 'accident' but i feel like i remember reading about one chapter where a person died by train and the family got charged or so b/c they 'inconvenienced the public' or something like that)
Tho unless another death mysteriously happens (i haven't watched the movie but i wouldn't be surprised if some changed to be a 'happier' ending there), i imagine it'll end with most living anyways, if a bit unhappily