Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
@R-Mod Yeah, because of all the mounting frustrations and pain and sadness he was going through because of the events that happened leading up to Touya's death. I mean Enji continually tried to refocus him on something else because he was harming himself and he hated seeing that happen to Touya. According to Fuyumi, Touya died shortly after Rei’s hospitalization, which tells us that Touya's behaviour is likely what caused Enji to start changing how he acted, seeing that the soft cajoling methods he was using weren't working and in fact resulted in Touya endangering his wife and other children. That probably scared him silly, and caused him to start being harsh in his training so that his children never thought to use their powers like that again, similar to how military spartan training is used to break down soldiers and then build them back up... but they were just kids, and worse, he was their father. Good intentions, bad, bad, BAD outcome. That's where I see it going, anyways.
Oct 28, 2018
i just want to say, mama todoroki is rly pretty

anyways, im happy to have finally read the todoroki family flashbacks. i've always been curious as to how rei became psychologically unstable and hurt shoto. now i wonder if the "shoto is becoming more like him" actually pertains to shoto being like touya and actually not endeavor, that's why rei became more and more scared as shoto went on harsh training with endeavor.
Jan 14, 2020
@R-Mod In Touya's case, the issue is the same as Toga's. The goal is to make him never use his quirk ever again. Although the reason is different (his quirk isn't taboo, just extremely dangerous) the fact that the end goal is the same means that he would almost certainly be sent to quirk counseling.
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2020
No, okay. Proper is WAY too much of a word for Endeavor, but jesus christ he was actually much more nicer than everyone pictured him to be.
He tried to be a good dad but at the same time was too obsessed with surprassing All might, Endeavor's mistake with Touya was not seeking professional help or search for a way to restrain his quirk
He was neglectful with Natsuo and Fuyumi, sure, but not the asshole Natsuo says he was
And... Shoto enters the picture and Endeavor does become a real asshole and a really BAD dad, but hell I was expecting him beating up Touya and abusing him verbally while he punched his wife in the stomach as a way of saying "I love you, darling"
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
@R-Mod Read the whole sentence. "Touya's behaviour is likely what caused Enji to start changing how he acted, seeing that the soft cajoling methods he was using weren't working and in fact resulted in Touya endangering his wife and other children."

@Smileyguy The way some people were acting about him was like he was doing that sort of thing without any evidence, instead of the much more reasonable assumption that he was trying to be a father and just ended up not being a very good one, in the end. I dunno if I'd say that he becomes "a real asshole and a really BAD dad", though, until we see more. By his actual actions with the estrangement and separation, it so far looks like he tried to do right, but never quite succeeded, and then basically distanced himself after the event out of a sense of guilt and wanting to respect their wishes not to see him, which estranged him from them even further, and instead of, say, turning to alcoholism like some might, he instead threw himself wholly into his work and let it consume him since it was the only thing he had left that he was doing right in, from his POV.
Apr 26, 2020
If making children one after the other with the intention for one to have the perfect quirk to surpass his rival in his place is being a good dad, you should really check your head.

Endeavor's mistake was involving his children in his own obsessions.
Hope he dies at Touya's hands, he deserves it.
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2020
No, Endeavor tried to do the best by his children before Shoto came into the picture, he tried to make Touya a someone more powerful than All Might but never forced him to do anything, he clearly stopped when he realized his son's quirk was going to him killed/harmed and tried to talk some sense into his son (failing because Touya was clearly unstable by that point)
hell, even Rei admits in this chapter that she was not much better parent than Endeavor.
Endeavor was a bad dad? Yes, of course
Does Endeavor deserve to die at the hands of genocidal maniac? Lol, no
May 16, 2019
Wth this chapter made me more confused about the family, how did endeavor end up the villain ?
I imagined Endeavor always being a douche throughout his marriage but i guess not. Now that brings another question, I can't imagine Endeavor just forgetting all the shit just happened with Touya and try that same thing with Shoto in the future, now that would be dumb. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Double-page supporter
Feb 4, 2020
@xmyst The point is that Endeavor is a shitty dad, not a shitty person. So while his morals are set straight, and he's not a monster planning to use his kids as tools, he is unable to properly connect and convey to his children his wishes for them, certainly not helped by how he doesn't seem to know exactly what he is doing with them either.
Or in other words, he's a fuck-up, not a douche.
Apr 26, 2020
"No, Endeavor tried to do the best by his children"
Selective Breeding = trying his best as a Dad ? ? ?

"before Shoto came into the picture, he tried to make Touya a someone more powerful than All Mightbut never forced him to do anything"
as in, push his ambitions into his children against their will until he realized they couldn't make it.

"he clearly stopped when he realized his son's quirk was going to him killed/harmed and tried to talk some sense into his son (failing because Touya was clearly unstable by that point)"
after mind-breaking him (Touya) into that toxic ambition of his (Endeavor), such responsability . . .

"hell, even Rei admits in this chapter that she was not much better parent than Endeavor."
She was complacent, didn't try to stop him (both Touya and Endeavor) in the slightest, just accepted being a cattle made to breed and was happy as long as there was food

"Endeavor was a bad dad? Yes, of course"
Bad Dad, Bad Human, Bad HERO! Differences between him and that doctor on All for One's Side making Noumus? He lacked the tools the Doctor had.

"Does Endeavor deserve to die at the hands of genocidal maniac? Lol, no"
Does Endeavor deserve to die at the hands of his son, who he broke physically and physiologically due to his (Endeavor) treatment during his (Touya) childhood? YES!

He married with his ambition in mind.
Breed with his ambition in mind.
Broke one of his children to the point he died (but he survived and turned into a maniac in the process).
Scarred his own spouse of her own children in the process (but she's better now due to plot).
Had the "perfect quirk he was looking for" child and forced even harder his own ambitions on him.
Forget all about the rest of his family while he was playing with his new toy (Shouto).

The moment it came to public he lost his face as a Hero, Selective Breeding his own children to fulfill a challenge he couldn't met and neither needed to.

You can blame Touya alone for all the killing of innocents, he IS a Villain, but the responsibility of creating THAT Villain is from Endeavor and his spouse.
If Touya's hands are drenched in blood, Endeavor entire body is drenched of the same.

He's no Hero, He's no Human, He's no Dad.
He's an Ambition Driven Monster with no regards to anything that don't affect his image as a Hero.

That's basically the description of your generic Villain.

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