Not only is the meme interrupting a dramatic moment, but it's not even being used correctly. This is like having to listen to the people who misuse simp, cuck, and soyboy. I'm not opposed to translator jokes, but you just posted cringe, bro. You're going to lose subscribers.
Also, what I want to know is how humanity was able to successfully rebel against the Outer Gods with a Hero. We saw the previous Hero lose both his Job and his Talent because he behaved in a non-Good manner: the Job of Hero and the Talent of Divine Oracle are both contingent upon the bearer behaving in a Good manner. However, it was ALSO made explicitly clear during the Hero's fight with Karna that the Outer Gods are Good aligned. Or at least one of them is, we know for sure the fire boy is, and I would presume the old man probably is as well. So how could a Hero fight against the Outer Gods? Is not the very act of betrayal a violation of the Good alignment? And even if it were not, or if there's more to the coup than that, we saw how SPECTACULARLY the Hero's powers failed to do ANYTHING against the Outer God he fought; we were told this is explicitly because Good powers don't work on Good beings.
So why does this story of the past sound like "and humanity used the power of the Hero to defeat the Outer Gods" when we saw a Hero get fucking washed because he tried to use Hero powers against an Outer God? Not even a living one at that, but a DEAD one. These guys are GHOSTS, if Holy Smite were ever to work, it would work now, but the answer is still no.
Either the author has forgotten his own plot, or this story about what happened in the past is a lie. It can't have happened that way. That's wrong.
@Aichan It's taking Karna forever to arrive because otherwise we wouldn't have a chance to listen to everybody explain their motivations. Karna is a Necromancer, which is one of the strongest magic classes available, and his talent is Wise Man, which is literally the best possible talent to have for any magic user. That talent and that job/class overlapping in one person and the synergy it creates is basically the plot of this entire story. He could turn the Demon Lord of Greed inside out and stick his arm up is ass to make him talk like a muppet, if he wanted to. He has the Outer Gods these people worship in Pokeballs, even without using his own power he would still win. Karna wins this entire coup without even having to fight himself.
I feel it's important to note that basically no one on the demon's side, except for Lust (I think, it's been a minute but I'm pretty sure she knows), has figured out that Karna can summon the Outer Gods with his Necromancy. Karna is literally the Demon King their entire species has been waiting for, nobody is in a better position to conquer humanity than he is. The Assassin girl is already terrified of his power, but she hasn't even realized the full scope of it. Almost no one has. If Karna wasn't a Neutral Good cinnamon bun, this entire universe would be utterly fucked. I think it's pretty obvious, especially after this chapter and with how the two Outer God's we've seen behave, that this plot is going with the reconciliation route, but that retard hero nearly got humanity put into a mass grave with his shenanigans. I'm actually kind of sorry he's dead now, I wish he was alive so people could realize what he did and blow up at him for it.