Apr 29, 2020
The only one in that family free of blame is Shoto. He was kept isolated from all of it and was the youngest. Everyone else had opportunities to help Toya, and he even reached out multiple times to seek that help.

Endeavour is especially bad though, he quite literally popped kids out solely for the sake of his own legacy to have someone surpass All Might. It doesn't matter of he isn't as comically evil and abusive as people theorised, he is still an awful father.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
I still feel like the author is a bit in over his head with how he modeled the mental state of the different members of the family. It's a very complex situation with every family members traumas and resulting actions and so on. Feels a little bit rail-roaded into the direction the author wants the story should go and not a way actual people would behave in that kind of situation.

I'm still fine with it. It's great the author tries to write such difficult family dynamics in this kinda format.
Sep 19, 2020
Man it makes you wonder. What would've the family turned out to be like had Toya not "died" because it seems Toya was the real strain on the family. I can kind of see where Endeavour was coming from not know what to do with Toya. The kid really needed professional help at the stage he was reaching, yet it's like they overlooked his problems until it was too late. I wonder if Dabi can be redeemed but it almost seems like they may have to actually kill him, put him in some severe psych ward or use one of those bullets and take his powers away from him.
Sep 19, 2020
@RaijinWolf You're right he's an awful person for that but at the same token like hawks was saying, no one was trying to surpass Allmight except him. Look what happened now that the symbol of peace Allmight is no more. It's becoming anarchy. It seems "as unrealistic as it is" without some sort of good guy linchpin, society can't stand in that world. So in his own twisted way he was actually doing the society some good by trying to make someone who can take over as the next number 1. Granted the part he is missing is that Allmight had a ton of charisma and his smiling put people at ease.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@bababobo you think he should stay mad and furious until the day he dies? maybe grow a really fine mustache that he can stroke while revealing his evil plans? you can dislike him, you don't need to forgive or forget what he did, but if he wants to do good, you think that's wrong?
Jan 14, 2020
So isolating Shoto from the his siblings made Toya believe that Endeavor was treating him as the "special son". Figures.

No idea why Toya was a sexist piece of crap though. He seems to treat Toga just fine. I mean I get he sees his mother as a trophy who was purchased for her quirk but still there's been no indication that Dabi treats women as inferior to men.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
People hating on Endeavor but I can't do that. Sure he was an absolute scumbag in the beginning and there's no doubt he was a shit father. But people forget that after All Might retired and Shoto got in his face, he's been trying VERY hard to atone for his sins. It's very hard to do since his other kids (especially his son) didn't have any faith in him and didn't want to open up. But the mother forgave him, Shoto was forming a bond, and the daughter learned to let the past go. Endeavor himself truly regrets everything he's done and what happened with Dabi drove that all home especially.

If the family (not Dabi) is willing to forgive him, we as the fans should as well.
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2020
can't help but love the tradition of Endeavor screaming "Shotooo" every now and then
Jul 11, 2020

Shoto: The worst thing I ever did was almost freeze half a stadium, what the hell kind of family was I born into

@Frozeneye What are you on about? They're all behaving very naturally.

@chosenone124 .... Where the shell is the sexism? He just pointed out the truth in that Rei was technically a trophy wife, and didn't get to really choose her own life.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
@R-Mod My comment may have sounded a little harsh. The characters do feel natural, but I can't really trust my own feeling of them feeling natural, because I have a hard time imagining how an actual person in such traumatic circumstances would feel.
To me all the characters feel a little too strong. I would have guessed that an actual family would break under those cicumstances and that's why it feels a little bit rail-roaded to me.

But as I already said, I'm fine with it. It's certainly a way the story can go without feeling unbelievable.
Aggregator gang
Jan 27, 2018
The family did break. They only just started putting the pieces back together. And they certainly are not done fixing it either.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
@Trov Oh yeah, the family did absolutely break in the past and I'm cool with them trying to improve their realtionship again. The only thing I'm trying to say is that them wanting to improve the family relationships after the whole ordeal with Dabi just feels a bit idealistic to me. I mean, the family was broken before and now someone comes along with the active intention of breaking it further and it looks like they instead will try to improve their family relationship. Lesser strong written characters would've probably broken under Dabi's actions. You could even argue that Endeavor did break, but the rest of the family seems to be willing to push through.
Jun 10, 2019
he's trying to atone for his sins? how? he hasn't done anything to try and make up for what he did to his family, he's just throwing himself more and more into his work.
Apr 11, 2020
@Serenata no but i see how it sounds like that. basically what i'm getting at is that this series seems to want to consider characters "redeemed" the moment they start to WANT redemption, not when they've earned it (whatever "earning it" entails). endeavor has been "working toward redemption" in his own eyes, sure, because he thinks redemption=#1 hero spot. i'm hoping that now he'll start working toward redemption=being a good person and trying to repair his family. the problem is, imo, this isn't an actual attainable goal, so the only "redemption" he can earn is spending his life working toward it, and i doubt horikoshi's going to do that considering how he's handling bakugo.
Jul 11, 2020
@Frozeneye They're strong like this because they'd been dealing with this for over twenty years, and Endeavor was the only one that started to feel guilt and pain just recently, rather than a long time before. And the only one that actively wants to improve relations is Fuyumi. Natsuo wants Endeavor out of their lives but knows it's not just him whose opinion counts. Shoto spent basically his whole life being Natsuo but started getting curious about how Endeavor will try to fix things now. Rei, she just got out of the hospital and so far only said Endeavor needs to go stop Dabi, not bring the family back together., so it's presumptuous to assume she's forgiving him already.

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