Jan 8, 2021
@Astra_Starwalker I read the WN. the reason eggs are expensive is also because
There are no refrigerators in this world. It takes an Ice room to keep them both for the seller and the buyer. Ice can't be made with magic for this scale of operations so it depends on the winters as well
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

It's also a matter of if you actually care people rip off your ideas.
Yes, you could probably make a bit of money by withholding the recipe.
But on the other hand, she is also actively improving the food selection for people which is for the betterment of everybody...including herself.
Not to mention the other minor benefits like showing off that you actually know what you are doing and might make them more friendly towards you in the long run.

That said, It's not like she told the chef or the maid what kind of liquid she used... so unless eatable oil already exists they won't know what that is, and thus won´t be able to replicate it anyway.
Also, while eatable oil isn't exactly hard to make if you know how to make oil in the first place... add on the fact that how to make oil is most likely not common knowledge and it's going to be hard to copy.


This is a real-world problem, as eggs could become toxic even if they look fine because of germs and diseases if not kept in cold storage.
Most of the time because of Salmonella, but there were other diseases that could pop up as well.

( Some countries wash the eggs with chemicals to get around it, but it instead causes other problems )
Usually, people kept them in ground-cellars, but even that could only prolong storage while not transporting them for a few weeks at most.
Basically storage was doable, but not transportation.
Nov 12, 2019
thanks a lot for the chapters, I don't mind all the patreon stuff because its rewarding wait for a while for such quality
Mar 15, 2020
I love how one chapter this is some ecchi, smut, and the next it’s a cooking manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
@Goldenzeal you are all forgetting that she went to that city precisely to no longer draw attention to herslef... only to draw attention to herself the minute she entered that pub. Just saying.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

No, I found that to be irrelevant to the discussion.
Besides its only to her benefit anyway if somebody steals her cooking techniques.

if somebody else makes those hotdogs, then its less suspicious if she does as well.
She can just say she learned it at that restaurant and since its plain to see for everyone that its on the menu its an easy way to dodge attention.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Doesn't sound like much of a legit reason, tbh, considering that you can just buy eggs fresh on the market at the start of each day. People do the same for fish.
The only problem may be with supply, which is fair game, but not to the point the prices get inflated.
Jan 8, 2021
At no point in this manga was a panel in which you saw eggs sell on the market. that is because they are bought in bulk to big business.
So the average Joe can't buy fresh eggs every morning. It's a rare commodity.
Active member
Nov 20, 2018
Just half of the half chapter... At least I could check the other language to see the foodgasm. 😋
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2019
@Iskarioth Spoiler alert;
The chef fucks up the meal regardless. The normal patrons like it, of course, but it's pretty meh in all other cases.

Also, yeah, Ren is pretty high int, low wis in these cases. She can't help it as she casually shatters common sense for most people who cross her path.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
New working title "I don't really get it but it looks like I will touch upon all the isekai tropes before defeating the demon lord."
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2018
Why would they need refrigerators? Eggs lasts a few weeks without being refrigerated, longer than most vegetables. I'd understand if the problem was transportation, but refrigeration? Really?

IIRC only Americans need to refrigerate their eggs because they wash off the protective coating thing that eggs naturally have.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2019
When will isekai writers hire real chefs to advise them about food. It's always junk food WHOAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH I'M CUMMMMMINNNHHHHGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Feb 6, 2018
Why do the writers always think the food sucked, what missed teaching happens to reinforce this view, is this a self perpetuating idea among manga artists. I'd love to have 15th and 16th century food, its amazing and much better for you than modern sugary food. /Rant_off

Thanks for the translation fluffy
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

The quick and dumb down version to that question is that the eggs might already be infected.
It's not a matter of how long they can stay fresh, it a matter of them potentially being a breeding ground for diseases.
Also, eggs that are washed and refrigerated can be kept for months instead of weeks which would help the transportation problem as well to some degree
( there are no cars in medical fantasy after all, unlike today transporting them takes a long time too )

That said, its not only Americans who wash the eggs that need refrigeration.
If you don´t wash the eggs you can get away with lowering the room temperature a few levels instead of using a refrigerator. ( they don´t need to be as cold if you don´t wash them )
But you still need to care about temperature and humidity even with unwashed eggs, it is in fact even more important for long term storage if they aren't washed.

Today we don´t really need to store eggs that long anyway because we use artificial means to force chickens to lay eggs year-round as they normally stop doing so in winter.
And thanks to quick transportations like cars and planes eggs arrive at your doorstep in a week or two at most, long before it should become a problem.

The long version of the explenation...
Washing the eggs guarantees that the egg is clean and 100 % isn't infected from the outside.
Eggs can still already have been infected by that point thou.

The eggs can be infected from the chicken that laid it if the chicken itself has salmonella.
It can also get infected from the outside before the "protective coating" as you put it, is complete if the shell gets dirty before it hardens.
( IIRC the coating only hardens after the egg is laid, because the coating coagulates when it dries )

The reason to keep the temperature of the room cooled (as well as lowering the moisture levels of said room ) is done to keep existing pathogens from multiplying.
That applies to both outside sources and the pathogens that are already inside the egg, small amounts of Salmonella isn't very likely to survive your immune system but a lot of it might.
This is actually even more important if you don´t wash the eggs, because if you don´t wash them you can´t be 100 % sure all the eggshells are free from pathogens.
That said, washing away the coating means that you need much colder temperatures for it to be mostly safe because the egg actually has small holes in it.
The reason most countries avoid washing the eggs is that it adds a bigger margin of human error.

Now the reason keeping the egg cooled keeps them from getting infected from the outside is because there are small holes in the eggshell.
These holes can sweat to keep the egg cool, but they can also draw in liquids from the outside into the egg itself.
If these liquids have been polluted because the shell wasn't clean one way or another the egg can be infected from the outside if the temperature changes.
This is why you must keep refrigerating American eggs once you start doing it as if the eggs start sweating/creating condensation it later might get infected from the liquid.
more moisture also helps new pathogens take hold on the outside of the shell as germs breed better in warm and humid environments.

This explanation applies not only to salmonella but also to a multitude of other pathogens that can infect eggs.
Salmonella is just the most common one, and a medical society likely has more diseases to worry about then we do as they most likely don´t have as advanced medical science as we do.

Here is a video that can probably explain it better then I can.
Jan 28, 2018
Pickled pickles, lol. It's just "pickles." Though I suppose "pickled cucumbers" would also be correct, if a bit awkwardly worded, but never "pickled pickles."
Jul 6, 2018
People fighting in the comments about food having been better or worse in the past.

It was just different and limited by certain ingredients. Like, a lot of spices were non-existent or really expensive, but sweet things were not too uncommon, as apples and honey were pretty commonly grown, even though sugar was rare. In most cases, if you can see a way of making something with their level of technology, it probably was. Like, look up how to make custard. That was a pretty common dish in medieval Europe and it's pretty difficult to get just right with their level of technology. And then you have stuff like shepherd's pie. why do people think that simple stuff like breading meat would be this amazing unknown knowledge?

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