It's also a matter of if you actually care people rip off your ideas.
Yes, you could probably make a bit of money by withholding the recipe.
But on the other hand, she is also actively improving the food selection for people which is for the betterment of everybody...including herself.
Not to mention the other minor benefits like showing off that you actually know what you are doing and might make them more friendly towards you in the long run.
That said, It's not like she told the chef or the maid what kind of liquid she used... so unless eatable oil already exists they won't know what that is, and thus won´t be able to replicate it anyway.
Also, while eatable oil isn't exactly hard to make if you know how to make oil in the first place... add on the fact that how to make oil is most likely not common knowledge and it's going to be hard to copy.
This is a real-world problem, as eggs could become toxic even if they look fine because of germs and diseases if not kept in cold storage.
Most of the time because of Salmonella, but there were other diseases that could pop up as well.
( Some countries wash the eggs with chemicals to get around it, but it instead causes other problems )
Usually, people kept them in ground-cellars, but even that could only prolong storage while not transporting them for a few weeks at most.
Basically storage was doable, but not transportation.