At first I thought the same (why's this getting translated again when someone's already in the middle of it, and how do I stop the notifications) but then I got curious and compared the 2 translations, and some translations were vastly different - as in, completely different dialogue, not just a simple matter of translation vs localization. (See P.3, Panel 1 and 2 as an example) So then I took a look at the raws available, to see which one was closer to the source material, and not too surprising, these new ones are much more accurate translations to the original.
The initial sub group went beyond localization and essentially invented their own dialogue instead of translating the author's speech bubbles. These new translations are a bit awkward, since it seems like they're TOO much of a direct translation and not localized at all, but it conveys the author's intent better, I think. So I was deciding whether or not it's worth reading these, but then I remembered there was an author's note along the way ( where Perico talked about the theme/focus for the story, and if the author starts focusing on plot development (and potential callbacks, intentional dialogue ambiguities, wordplay, etc) too much liberty on the translations will probably cause the sub group to write themselves into a corner, and cause confusion to readers, and eventually drop it (and it looks like the initial group dropped it, and another picked it up, but for what reason, I don't know).
So since I enjoyed this little series enough the first time, I guess for me, I won't mind "re-reading" these chapters again, since the dialogue could end up being very different this time around any way.