He is really channeling the dense protag in this chapter, even though her thoughts should be obvious to his telepathic powers. (Wait, maybe it's part of his master scheme where he acts like a fool even though everyone else is in the palm of his hand?)
@bushwhacker2k - remember how Yamai and Nakanaka were projecting their own thoughts onto Komi? Tadano filters out his thoughts (of love), and this ends up filtering out Komi's thoughts of love too.
Or maybe everything is going according to his plan.
Nah. She's not blushing or even going pale or anything there. That is a thing that human beings don't do, just a visible representation used in this kind of media. In this case that's probably her jealousy and other feelings from being left out.
Oh, actually, someone answered. @Glomoro, so, you say it's not blushing of going pale, just some jealousy or another feeling that is not normally shown on the face...I don't know, honestly.
Anyway, next time if you answer me, please ping. Otherwise I may never see your comment
@VINT64 Yeah, sometimes I don't ping people if the comment is older like yours was. A lot of people don't seem to like that because they don't even remember posting what they said by then. Sometimes I ping someone with a two year old comment without worrying about it either though, I dunno what deciding factor comes into play to be honest.
On the other hand, every time I see someone specifically being a dick to someone who's pinged them like 9 months after the fact to reply, I ping them too just for the hell of it if it's been long enough since then to make a nuisance of myself to them. If they can't be polite about it they deserve a little trolling.
Honestly I can relate to the whole “not being able to approach friends when someone you don’t know the person with them”, but I wouldn’t call it jealously. It’s more that I’m scared of talking to a new person for the first time and worried that I might come across as weird.
Holy shit this onee-san is already best girl. There to help and lookout for anyone being bullied, always willing to help out with workloads, perceptive of situations and acts accordingly, great wingwomen, etc. Promote her to best character behind Komi please