Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Why people say... "My eye burn" ....

Owh bacause they can't enjoy this??.. For some reason Native english can't enjoy this.... But i'm not a Native english.. but can enjoy this... Because Gramatical Eror... ??.. What Ever is that... If you don't like it.. first don't read it...if you don't want to see bad translation... Tell the tranlator with nice coment and give him advice ..... Don't coment like... "My eye burn"..."This is tranlate via Google Translate..." That so harsh.......

well.. guess i can't tell how to live your life.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
Personally I don't care about grammar or punctuation, it's that those phrases barely make up sentences... makes you feel like you'r witnessing a conversation between two retarded robots

p.s. - this chapter got a movie adaptation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUgUeFu2Dcw
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

Native english speaker, this stings the eyes like hot smoke. I really like this series, but I had to stop reading this chapter after two pages. It was unbearable. After reading the first page, I thought maybe it was a joke page where the TL/PR group puts some insider humor, because the translation didn't make any sense... but no, it was an actual page that someone thought "Yeah, this is good enough."

It is not good enough. It is hot, stinky garbage. I would rather have nothing than have this. There is no point in translating into English if you do not either have a native understanding of English or work with someone who does.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 22, 2018
I'm happy it's picked up again, I didn't notice anything bad in translation until I read comments, I'm happy English is not my native language.
A simple advice to improve would be sufficient, but if people have enough time to abuse, better ignore and learn Japanese. Do you think abusing can get you nicely translated manga?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
i didnt expect the translation for this to only get worse
im surprised because even before it was only barely above machine translation
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
Not gonna lie, this may be a translation project that someone finished, but the end result is extremely bad. So bad that I wish for someone to redo this chapter rather than translating the next one. We appreciate the effort put into translating it, which is more than what most of us have done, but if the result is going to be this bad, then the translator might as well have not done anything at all.
It is like how someone is saying that they will help you do some work, but then they mess up everything and end up wasting your time. Do you appreciate their goodwill? Yes. Do you thank them for their work? No, because their performance was too poor.

As for the people who didn’t notice how bad this translation is and think we are being ungrateful for complaining about it; have you ever heard the saying ‘’In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king’’?
Feb 16, 2018
So everyone complaining about people having issues with translation- you need to understand that those are people that enjoy this manga too.. If they didn't, they would just straight up drop it. I'm happy this got picked up again but i will also drop it if the quality stays the same. Readable is not what i count as enjoyable.
That being said if quality does improve i would be quite happy. Translator just needs to find someone who actually studied English to fix everything after he is done.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
To sum everything up for everyone:
If it's this bad, to the point that it's barely translated, it's better it isn't translated.

If you are a non-native speaker, and cannot translate to English, don't try to. Translate it to your own language. Get someone who knows English to translate it from the original language, or from your language.

Regardless, the complaints are valid, even if this is a free work made by volunteers. You don't go to a food shelter and cook everyone burnt, but somehow watery "spaghetti" and call it a job well done.

If you are incapable of meeting the basic requirements for the job, do not perform the job. You only cause issues.

Imagine if this was the super climatic chapter, the one everyone was waiting for. I would be pretty unhappy if I had the emotion and dialogue spoiled and ruined by a bad translation.

As I stated before, I'll translate this. I'll start today. Depending on how difficult it is, I may finish soon. I might not. I'll see if I can get one of the groups I'm in to lend me a cleaner/typesetter for this, so I'm not throwing it together with paint.

If one of you out there wants to contribute, PM me. I don't particularly care for this series, but I hate to see such a catastrophe go unmended.

EDIT: Forgot to mention for the comments like @vasil94
This level of quality cannot be fixed by proofreading. The translations are likely mostly incorrect, and fixing the grammar and such doesn't fix the fact that most of these aren't even remotely a sentence.
Feb 5, 2018
And yet, I understood what was happening in the chapter despite the fractured English. At least they made the effort - which is more than anyone else here can say.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
English isn't even my native tongue and I had to stop reading this chapter midway because it hurt to read. I'm pretty sure I could have just put this chapter through the Google translate page and not have gotten a much worse result.

I appreciate the time put into this, but the lack of language skills still made it not enjoyable. No point beating around the bush or buttering someone up because they "tried their best" or "did this for free so people should be thankful". Nope. Not happening. Thanks for the effort, but please don't release stuff again until you've gotten quite a bit better.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018

No, you just don't read it, thanks to the translator, I hope he/she becomes better at this, but no, you are nobody (just as me) to tell others what can or cannot do, I hope this series get translated by this anon and if you don't like it, you have 2 choices:

1. Don't read it

2. Translate it yourself.

So please, keep your nazi thoughts for yourself and don't tell others what they can or can't translate.

You're calling people literal Nazis for disliking a translation? That's a definite violation of 5.1.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Wow, so many native english speakers (grammar nazis) battering the translator because "muh grammars", the very same that can't read moon runes nor help scanlators, I would use the "N" and "F" word to describe you, but some moderator gets butthurt.

You have it easy, DON'T READ IT, or translate it yourself.

I'm grateful with this and all of translators because I can read my chinese comics without having to pay for translations made 20 years later nor having to learn Moon Runes to read it. Please ignore the "F"'s who are bashing you because "muh grammars" and keep doing the good work and get better at it.

You are treading on very thin ice. I suggest you argue your case without using even the implication of foul language. Consider this your first warning. Any further violations of rule 5.1 will result in moderator action.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
@LysandersTreason Just saying what i thought... And i understand why most people said like "My eye burn" ... But to see the coment.. is just.. to harsh ... That what i want to say....

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