So strange, first modern tokyo in flames so thought the post war would be the future and now back to the pre-olympics(shameless plug) post war japan and the titular girl and them shit happens, this will be insane and either a sucess or disaster
@Chizan It was normal for people in this old era to have many children. My maternal grandmother has 8 children while paternal has 10. You could say that the people in the old days didn't have anything to do or they thought that more children = more labor force.
@miyako19@Chizan I would also say that the reason to have more children was because of the high child mortality rates of the time, so by having more children guarantees at least one or two to take care of them at old/'unable to work' age and yes to the concept of more children = more labor force 😛. That is usually for farm folks since you're mainly alone for most of the year, plus you can get more crop by having more workers.