Well, some of the stereotypes around Office Ladies are a bit different from Salarymen.
At least in the past, they were generally portrayed as unmarried, under the assumption that they would quit their jobs to become house wives when they married, to the point that some companies apparently had a separate set of jobs set aside for women that they could do without the company having to worry about losing someone too important when they married. (In fairness to the Japanese, it's not like the West was much different).
If an Office Lady actually wanted to have a career, the stereotype was that they would never get married, and stereotypically they would often lament this (granted, that pops up outside the office lady stereotype in many mangas and animes). A married Salaryman, on the other hand, wasn't and isn't considered to be odd at all, unless he is fairly young.
The stereotypical Salaryman is usually portrayed as drinking a lot, while the Office Lady can vary.