@wildasarah Doing their job... True. But they're also
completely disregarding the fact that their boss, whom they hold in the utmost respect, is telling them that he's approved of the situation while
also telling them that a senior, respected cultivator and one of their own comrades are both willing to lay down their lives in the event their judgment was wrong; they've also been told, both by Tanjiro, who had no knowledge of the letter's existence, and Urokodaki that even though she was made a demon over two years ago, she has not once eaten a person, despite the fact that it's pretty well established that it takes a drastically shorter period of time before the demon goes berserk and attacks indiscriminately. They're so childish that they can't wrap their tiny minds around the possibility that they're wrong about the situation despite the evidence. Hell, Sanemi alone genuinely deserves to die for how stupid he is; f he existed in the real world, I could see the headlines now: "Florida man mauled to death and eaten after repeatedly stabbing sleeping bear"; we'd all laugh at his stupidity, grateful that he weeded himself out of the gene pool, and go on with our lives.