Yeah, as if Tang would listen to the demands of some derp face gate guard. Let's hope the guard learned his lesson in death and is reborn as something mightier than a water flea, although I suspect his chances are low.
@gaigous this man wonders on why haven't anyone made this a reality yet. perhaps because of the victorian morals that we are so familiar with. especially with the muslims.
@gaigous you know what's vexing me now? the utter lack of velcro sport shoes and boots. you'd thought that by now we'd adopt space tech and abandon laces for velcros but apparently no one had dared to make velcros cool yet. i do not understand the logic of having to stick with laces that undo themselves when you got velcros that go skraaa
@gaigous yeah like you'd thought that ppl would be lazy enough to wear velcros because laces are a pain, but it seems that they're even lazier to change over from laces...the only acceptable laces are lacy lingerie!