While it wasnt the best manga i have read, it also wasnt the worst. Still, i agree that the ending felt a bit rushed and also left a few plotthreads hanging:
- The whole deal with Michirus Diary about that book that was apperantly written by the older twin buddah. That was more or less just dropped silently, wasnt it?
- MCs sense of smell. Sure, the manga as a whole isnt meant to be realistic, but i feel the whole "reading feelings through smell" thing seemed a bit out of place, like "yea, he got that X-Men power, deal with it".
- Also i get the impression that at one point the story drifted from what was intended and started to make it up as they went along. Like in the first few chapters, and the flashback in chapter 23, the fortuneteller was more human like. True, maybe MC just didnt get a good look at him, but it seemed like clear human features / hands in the first chapter. So i think the whole buddah-twins arc wasnt the original plan they persued.
- And there is the thing with the little buddah too. Maybe i overlooked something, but when big buddah said the little guy vowed to spend his whole life with "someone...a human", seemed to understand who this referred to, as if there was some backstory to it. And how did the little guy even die?
Not to mention how time-travel storys always are a strange can of worms. F.e. why didnt the older budda twin not travel back even further? And what exactly travels back in time, the whole body, or only the mind which takes over the pasts body? The bodys of the buddas keep their holes, so at least in their case its the body. But as MC went back, both times he did so without his injury, which would say its only the mind that travels. Then again, the old Doc kept his ballweapon (which partly is made from budda-cells) when he came back from the future. But MC in turn didnt get to keep his when going back the first time, so whats up there?