This is only season 1.
I'm so happy that we have gotten such a great continued daily release of chapters, and it's going to make me so sad to see season 1 end knowing I won't get daily chapters of this Gift from the manga Gods of a Manga anymore.
ah well....anyway, I don't think that Ohma winning is necessary, the author has done such a great job at fleshing out these characters, that The Fang himself winning wont be out of the realm of reality here, bravo. I love this Manga, although, I know Ohma has something to beat wakatsuki with....but the way Wakatsuki is talked about, I swear I wouldn't be shocked if this man were to throw a hadouken or something.....My favorite character Hatsumi sen, I thought he would pull of some magical energy blast type attack as well, But this manga does so well with making these fights and fighters over the top with without getting too insane. ...EXCEPT for Saw Paiing, the guy made a crater with his headbutt. (i know that hasn't been the most outrageous lol)