@Jaegrqualm I'll copy past a comment I wrote on r/manga a few days ago that explains my thoughts on the buffer:
Because we want time to work on every chapter.
New chapters release on 7am my time (CET). If we did it full daily I'd need to organize every staff member (translation, proofreading, redrawing, typesetting and quality check) every day individually. Of course at some point they might or might not show up on their own but then not everyone has time every day. I think all of us either go to uni or are already busy with a job in real life so you might not get the chance to work on something one day. For other daily manga it's also like this but not quite as bad since Mousou requires more work than whiting out bubbles. Aya's telepathy text is frequently placed over art.
So we take 2 weekends off and get 4 days of buffer in order to have time to work on them. In my mind this isn't a problem at all. If you are an English reader then you are not bothered by the Japanese schedule anyway. After building up the buffer, we are also on a 1 page per day basis. Sure, there are 4 chapters that could be release but if we pushed them out and released them you would be done reading in a minute and back to 1 chapter per day. It's just us who suffer after that by having to push out chapters even though we have no time.