Jul 29, 2018
One thing we've seen is how his death also evolves his thought process. At first he didn't understand that he needed to hide that he was a skeleton, then he learned that folks freak out. Now he'll learn that being blunt about how their god would fail is very similar, and that he should be much more careful about how he shares his knowledge. His skills aren't the only thing that's growing, but his understanding and ability to think and interact with the world around him.
Feb 20, 2018
Once he respawns he should blindside the slimeball in his office by spouting off the information he shouldn't have.
Cant just kill him without finding out how he knows so much and if he can prepare first 1v1 or 2v1ing the slimeball should be a lot easier than dealing with that horde of monsters.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018

It isn't an issue of conjecture. Its simply the fact that he doesn't control the point he returns to, no guess work. He can't carelessly make permanent choices as he doesn't know if he can use save scumming to get out of it. Agreeing to take the contract and trying to pry the information out of them, especially seeing the example from the other group which forces obedience through threat of death (yes, death specifically would help him but I'm referring to the fact that it risks giving another person control of himself), would put him at a more permanent risk. Further, if he simply left, he wouldn't know anything. It was better to take the hit and reset then to risk getting permanently locked into a course of action while waiting for your chance to reset.
Mar 22, 2018
Guys, give the MC a break, he's a skeleton so he doesnt have a brain
Active member
May 21, 2018
This is the story of how a skeleton gained wisdom, dont complain about his decisions or thought progress
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
He wants this info, but doesn't want to commit to anything like a brand upon his soul that very likely could affect him even through a restart.

Get as much valuable info as he can, antagonize them and force them to kill them as quickly as possible instead of taking them prisoner so that he reloads to an earlier point when they're both still alive, only with as much useful info as he could get out of them in the process. Yes, it is a risk that he doesn't know when the last autosave happened, but he judged that potential risk to be worth the info he managed to pry out of them.

Come on, this isn't rocket science.
Jan 23, 2018
@Amplify you are just making affirmations without any proof. There wasn't any information about it being a brand on his soul or that it would continue on him even if he restarted, neither did it say at any point that he is doing this because he want to take as much info from them as possible, and the only valuable information he got up until now is that they and the other organization want to summon the demons.
@Meridis and if that is true, the same could be said about him letting himself get killed easily or getting in sure death situations for no reason.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I'm making affirmations without proof? So are you.

At the very least you have to admit that seal / brand is beyond the ordinary and that it has divine connotations and somewhat a mind of its own, otherwise it would not be able to kill people before they could speak the organization's secrets. The first problem with such a thing is that if anything has a chance of staying with him through a reset, then it would be related to the gods somehow. The second consideration is that his autosave appears to happen on important events and accepting this seal would be a very important event for him.

Find out what info he can, get killed as quickly as possible, and the chances of an autosave happening in the meantime are kept as low as possible. Every moment he stays alive is another moment that could get autosaved and fuck him over, he needs a swift death now more than ever.
Jan 23, 2018
@Amplify the only thing I affirmed was that he is stupid for saying something that made than angry without any need for, and the other things I said after that were just assumptions based in what if what you affirmed was true.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
No, what you did is go "I don't understand why X did Y, therefore X is stupid because I said so."
Your inability for basic comprehension is something you should get mad at yourself for, not the characters.
Jan 23, 2018
"he is more like stupid than edgy, at times I just don't get why the hell he acts so stupidly. Why the hell say the being they worship like a god will fail? That's just an unnecessary information that would make them angry and he didn't have any reason to say it, but the smartass has a need to say something stupid. "
That's what I said which only is affirming what he did is stupid and unnecessary because it will make him die, but then, a person like you who really doesn't have basic comprehension of what a conjecture is, came and made a bunch of affirmations with basis on things that I have no I need were you got from; How the fuck do you know he did this because he wanted to get killed? how do you know he was just trying to get information from them? how do you know the said brand will be on his soul? how do you know it will be permanent even if he does a restart? I'm not getting mad at anything, but sad with the fact that you think you have the right to go around insulting ppl you don't know because they don't like what a fictional character did.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
And I've just explained to you several times why antagonizing them is a good idea (get them to kill him as quickly as possible, force the reset quickly to minimize the risk of an autosave happening at a bad time), but you either don't accept that or cannot understand that, so I guess we're at an impasse.

As for how I can tell; basic logic and deduction. If your conclusion for why somebody does something boils down to them being dumb and it not making sense, that's not a conclusion it's you utterly failing to think it through and reach a conclusion. Think it through until you reach a logical conclusion, or avoid opening your mouth in the first place.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018
Skeleton.exe has failed. (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail ?

Seriously, the only logical explanation for all of this sequence of events is that Skelly pretty much expected to die from the moment he entered that ruin and that he tried to anger them on porpose to try to make them to show their cards. The fact that he dragged Rena to this ( or that he haven't even tried to save her ) is not cool, though...

That or the author did not thought things to the conclusion. Yeah, that sounds more likely ...
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018
@Meridis and if that is true, the same could be said about him letting himself get killed easily or getting in sure death situations for no reason.

you can't say the same for that. Choosing to go along with them to get information would be a choice based on a guess or incomplete information about the risks and all. You would have to assume he'll be able to find a way out of a new problem.

If he gets the information he can get then dies, he's only relying on details which he already knows or has experienced, that he could go back after dying. In this case, he's merely taking the route that has the least unknown variables that could ruin him.

edit: to sum up, with what he did, he only needs to assume that everything will continue to work the way it did before. To go along with them to get info, he'd have to assume the same, plus that he would be able to find a way to escape in time.

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