Throw some shotaxonee numbers and he'll come sniffing around.I wouldn't count on Tamerlane responding tho
I called you a poopyface in DM's.In the end, we never did find out what kind of trash talk February 25th, 2020 was referring to. All that popcorn, gone to waste.
His bio literally says "I'm never coming back."I don't think we can officially declare BG's membership dead unless he makes it so himself.
I doubt it too. He responded to roruzu's pings in General, but not my pings here? Time to shoot him a passive-aggressive DM.Tally out the votes man I doubt Tamerlane is coming so we might as well go with what we got.
Lol same.Also if the Moon freak ends up getting through i say we delay his inauguration for 2 to 3 weeks just to ease everyone's worries of him just being a passer by.
The one thing that motivates @Tamerlane more than [Onee x Shota] is dunking on crazed yuri-shippers.He responded to roruzu's pings in General, but not my pings here?
i guess i wrote too much leprechaun past this year.leprechaun
Rude.inb4 "I never explicitly voted for MawMaw"