Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
@Robbini I don't give a shit what she is. He is going to get a disciple who will obviously have a bunch of potential and be stronger than all of her peers and most adults as well yadda yadda. Now, if you're trying to say that this story isn't about confronting conflicts, then what's the point of healing him? Why does he need to be strong from a story perspective if he's just going to be chilling out with lolis, then what's stopping a withering old man from doing the same thing? This accomplishes nothing except ripping out all of the potential stakes of the story. I have no idea why people are so insistent on defending lazy writing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
So does that mean that he had a hex on him, as well? And he just dispelled his own hex? And if that's the case, was it that bastard magician from the hero party who put it on him?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019
Impressions. Wouldn't a daughter / disciple be way more impressed by a strong father / master rather than a weak one ? And wouldn't the surroundings look way differently on someone strong who doesn't care about that, but just wants to spend time with their daughter, compared to someone who used to be strong but is now weak, trying to do the same thing ?
Dec 4, 2018
you have strange hopes ... the main character is no longer an adventurer and he is even less a coach
if your pleasure is stories that have no logic, stop this one
stupid and bad written isekai stories are full on this site.

I read your comments and I deduce that you do not know the terms and their meaning and that you are blocked in a world where all the stories must be alike and above all be as you like them
you are surely from this generation of child king who grew up tyrant

in addition you are not even able to read and understand the title " I'm a Middle-Aged Man Who Got My Adventurer License Revoked, but I Can Enjoy Life Because I Have a Lovely Daughter"
I bought a pornographic book, but did not find where the cooking recipes were?
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
😅Lots of complaints but so far its still on track I don't see what's wrong with it yet xD
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
@Robbini He just risked his life to undo her curse. She already has a reason to respect him not as an adventurer but as a person. Him being strong to impress her is boring and lazy. There's no humanity to that. There's no emotional connection to any of that. Being strong and trying not to get attention is in the top 5 of most overused Japanese fantasy tropes and it would be even more of a disaster if the author went that route. Not to mention that he's clearly not gotten over being an adventurer yet. He's only given up on a practical level but his heart is still there. Moving past his golden era and handing over the reins to his surrogate daughter would be a bittersweet, heartfelt story. Instead, we're getting typical wish-fulfillment derivative garbage. As things stand, he's effectively lost nothing in his whole character arc. What the point of a story with absolutely no tangible sacrifice?

@Gauvain I mentioned it above, but you have negative reading comprehension if you seriously think he's gotten over being an adventurer. He's given up because he knows that he's a burden and he has no allies around him. Not because he actually wants to quit. Similarly to how a person who fails to get into an architecture course will settle for civil engineering, it would be easy to see him doing the next best thing and raising an adventurer. In fact, "My Daughter Grew Up to "Rank S" Adventurer" did exactly this except that it glossed over that part of the plot. This manga could have easily gone more in-depth with it instead.

Also, you've given absolutely no justification as to why you've decided to project that I don't know what I'm talking about. But it's convenient for you to just brush me aside without confronting my arguments, isn't it?

And lastly, nothing about that title whatsoever implies that he's going to suddenly recover again. In fact, I would have been alright if he just stayed crippled and it turned into a slice-of-life story with his new daughter. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. Making him strong again is indefensible from a story-telling perspective.
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Throwing my two cents into the argument. The description of the manga is as follow,
"Douglas, once known in legend as the strongest magician.

But now he is called old man, as his health slowly crumbles. Beyond just suffering from a mysterious disease that slowly, but permanently, saps his health if he uses magic, the hero's party forces him out and the adventurer's guild strips him of membership.

Thus, in the middle of an aimless solitary journey, the ex-adventurer Douglas encounters a cursed girl, Ravi."

90% of this description is irrelevant and anyone interested in that aspect of the story has literally lost it 3 chapters in. My major complaint in getting rid of this aspect is that it essentially makes it a carbon copy of tons of LN/Mangas about, "MC is/was super famous and powerful but now raises an adopted daughter". Not to mention the millions of mangas/LN where the MC is super amazing and so far above everyone else.

i.e: For My Daughter, I Might Even Be Able to Defeat the Demon King or It's My Life or any of the other hundreds of variants. At least him being past him prime (being permanently debilitated by the curse) would've made different from the usual stuff. Which is where I think @Aretheus 's main complaint comes from. Where it started with something different and instantly spat on the idea to make him strong again. The only compelling counter argument is that brings up an interesting plot point that it's a curse all a long and someone cursed him. You could've kept the reveal of it being a curse without curing him. Trying to find a cure or finding the source so they can remove it could be an equally compelling plot point.
Dec 4, 2018
"I mentioned it above, but you have negative reading comprehension if you seriously think he's gotten over being an adventurer. He's given up because he knows that he's a burden and he has no allies around him." yes and miraculously it will become useful and find allies? people do not want him, he has become weak and he will be more and more ...
"it would be easy to see him doing the next best thing and raising an adventurer. " how? he is old less strong than a beginner and he will be weaker and weaker

"Also, you've given absolutely no justification as to why you've decided to project that I don't know what I'm talking about." because others already blame you "@Aretheus ...It’s not an isekai story. You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means."
"That's a cursed being. It's not a fenrir to begin with, she's been transformed into a fenrir by a curse. She's actually a human girl."
you forget very quickly, I did not think I needed to remember all the bullshit you said in your life
"I mentioned it above, but you have negative reading comprehension" in french one says
it is the hospital that does not care about charity

"And lastly, nothing about that title whatsoever implies that he's going to suddenly recover again" nothing says he had become weak, yet he is
"Making him strong again is indefensible from a story-telling perspective." according to you and your desires...


Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
i wanna believe this dude isn't so stupid that he can't do the hex on himself first but you never know, my other working theory is that the hex on the fenrir is stronger then his hex so it reflected and destroyed his hex instead.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
@Wnf I'm thinking he never realized this "disease" was a hex, and the spell itself could be auto-targeting, and since his hex is closer than the Fenrir's, it targeted himself.
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
@Gauvain No, he knows just as well as anybody else that his body is failing which is why he's failing quests. Regardless, he has years of experience being a hero. He is a master of the arcane arts. And he cares deeply about the life of an adventurer. What person better to train in all of your magic techniques? That way, he can put his knowledge as an adventurer to use without having to be an adventurer himself. He doesn't have to be a burden to the guild but he can gradually move past that life.

It's also amazing that you hold onto petty things as a reason for why everything I say is worthless. Like I said, this is pretty much exactly the same themes and core ideas that isekais hold onto. Video game elements, adventurer guilds, magic, etc. You wanna complain about that, I don't give a fuck. And I called the girl a fenrir girl. Am I fucking wrong? What the fuck else was I supposed to call her? You accuse me of forgetting things. I just don't give a shit about petty things when the core of this story has been demolished. If the best you can do is to pick out mistakes and go "gotcha!" then you aren't worth talking to.

The title says that his license has been revoked. Either he's broken some rules in the guild or he's not strong enough. Not to mention that the description talks all about how he's been weakened by old age. Your argument is so flacid and lacking in substance.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019
Let's assume there are 3 separate backstories.
1 ) Weak
2) Strong
3) Strong, then weak
Which one do you think would have the most character development ?

And yes, he's got his skills, spells and experience. But with the curse, any usage of the earlier two cost his health points, essentially slowly killing him with every usage. The latter one only helpful when he can use the earlier two, or when someone actually would pay attention to him when he's teaching them. It's very difficult to train someone to use spells when if you actually show examples of how to use them, you're slowly but surely killing yourself. His body itself isn't failing other than that at the current time, but eventually age would slow him down somewhat (not yet, and he's actually got some spells to boost his physical attributes).

Fantasy and Isekai are pretty much the same thing, except one factor. An Earthling being the MC , either reincarnated, transported, whatever, as long as an Earthling is the MC, it's isekai fantasy, if it's a native, it's 'only' fantasy.

Two main reasons mentioned so far as the reasons for the revocation of his license 1) The curse limiting him extremely if he wants to live longer, due to not being able to use spells freely 2) Him failing the last few quests because of the curse limiting him. Basically, him being weak and him making mistakes because of being weak are the reasons why.
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
You know, there's a concept in physics called "work", and I like to apply it to literature and storytelling as well. There's more to it than this, but the part that always stuck with me was that if you applied force that resulted in something going back to where it started, no "work" was done. So if a character's arc is strong -> weak -> strong, no work was done. You've accomplished nothing. This would be where emotional and mental changes in the character would come into play, but as we've established, his love for adventuring have remained as strong as they've ever been this entire time. No work was done. This character arc has done no work. Strong -> Weak -> Acceptance would have been a real arc.

Why does he need to demonstrate skills to train someone? That sounds completely asinine. There are entire industries dedicated to the idea of conveying information and knowledge with nothing but words, and you're telling me he can't do the same? He knows all the ins and outs of combat and survival. He has an encyclopedia of magic techniques in his mind that he was once the most proficient in using in the world. He can teach someone how to do these things. He doesn't need to make fireballs to teach someone how to make fireballs.

Yeah, but 95% of isekai stories out there don't actually centralize around the protag being from earth. Take Isekai Smartphone for instance. This guy has one of the most advanced pieces of technology that is still digitally connected to Earth, yet he solves everything with magic. Instead of Googling how to do Woodworking, he just used wind magic. Instead of searching up symptoms and cures for a lady's disease, he just uses healing magic. This is true of most isekai, so it becomes incredibly hard to distinguish between isekai and classic fantasy. That's more endemic of the genre than me.

Two main reasons mentioned so far as the reasons for the revocation of his license 1) The curse limiting him extremely if he wants to live longer, due to not being able to use spells freely 2) Him failing the last few quests because of the curse limiting him. Basically, him being weak and him making mistakes because of being weak are the reasons why.

Well I'm glad you said it. So it would stand to reason that if you came into this story, you would be expecting to see someone who is now weak and past his prime, right? So it would be disappointing if they decided to make the main character suddenly not weak anymore, right? So your point from earlier was unfounded and poorly thought-out, right? So this author is a complete hack who just poured gravy on a wedding cake, right?
Double-page supporter
Jul 29, 2018
Oooh he's back to his former strength!
Time to go pay a visit to those rude adventurers.
Apr 29, 2018
W-wait, it's over in 3 chapters? I was kinda hoping the curse/debuff/whatever would last and become the central part of the story... but oh well abandon that ship now. Let's see how author steer this one then, I just hope it's not too indistinguishable from existing OP MC theme.
Apr 29, 2018
@undercurses Welp, that makes it even faster then. Wait, so is this the case where the scanlation team divided one chapter into three or the magazine actually release the chapter in three part, too?
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@unk0damnation i think it's the scans, first chapter of most manga is around 50 pages and then reduced slowly on each next chapter.
but i don't know about this manga publisher tho, but most isekai manga, for each chapter is published every one month.
and seeing the set the scans do i assume its one chapter divided into three.

maybe there will be a master of this kind of publishing will help ? ty
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
With the description kind of giving it away, and when he said the fenrir was a human that was cursed, I was expecting it to turn into the loli.

So I guess he himself was cursed too...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
I love this MC. He's very cool and relatable or at least someone to aspire to be

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