@Kaarme I am wondering the same. The school can't teach him nor lilith anything really, and graduating does not seem to really give any form of social status as a villager so it wont help him marry the hero. If they had a treasure he could collect there, I am sure he could do it without becoming a student, and he would even ruffle fewer feathers doing it that way. Why *is* he attending that school?
I also can't tell if the debuff is intended or not, the chapter doesnt flow well enough to make it clear if it was mc's murderer that did it, if it was trainer who had been paid of, or if it was a trap that is part of the punishment/test facilities and meant to happen. Same for why it showed that white haired kid is actually mc's murderer. It doesnt show it in a non-confusing manner, and instead the way it did it leaves me wondering why he would look white-haired and shapechanged. Is it an avatar? Shapeshifting? Remote mind controlled? All it shows is that the movements of the kid is 1:1 those of the murderer, which leaves out far too many details and feels like hand-waving away things and saying "because of magic, a wizard did it".
I thought he wasnt allowed to use defensive skills, why was trainer ok with him using a defensive skill on rope-climb to defend against debuff?