@aberdeus a bad translation doesn't really help, more than once did things get lost because of a bad TL
So again no offence to the dude that translated and edited it but for me it's not good enough but i am not here to judge anyone's work right now really
I answered how i did because i have been and still am understanding your first comment in a way that made it seem like we just started with editing after we saw someone else do it
But in a group that has different people doing different stuff we do have a bunch of stuff prepared in advance (translations especially) but in the end the text still needs to go on the chapter which is where half the time goes probably (and we lack one or two more QCs maybe)
Anyway i didn't want to start a huge discussion about it really it's just that many people underestimate the amount of work a chapter needs sometimes
And ofc you do try to get the release out faster when you see someone doing it because you already did a lot of work for it and you don't want it to be wasted - however it wasn't like we forgot about it and just started when we saw someone else doing it
But i also know what you mean when you say groups suddenly are caring again after not doing anything i have seen it too
It just wasn't the case here and i thought i would just share my view too
And that's also why i always say people should ask wether stuff was dropped or not if it isn't obvious because its kinda wasted time and effort when 2 groups/people are doing it imo but maybe I'm alone with that view idk