Cute or not i don't give a damn every people who hate her had good and justified reason, she just straight out rude, hostile, disrespectful and not in the single chance want to cooperate with the other, every people try to give her support and want her to befriend with her instantly shunned by her in the most hostile way possible, when people stay away from her it's her own fault. Comparing to rei although everyone dislike her at first but she still give a chance to the other to change her into a better person, and also she is growing child, growing child tend to have mentally unstable, and learning environment at her age so her hostile behavior is justified, but not this germaphobe. Still i'd still like to know how this played out, but of course she open to komi sooner or later and also maybe she still retain that rude behavior to the other. In other word screw this girl she's not fitting for student council prez, Tadano for president council vote now #MakeItanHighschoolGreatAgain