Exactly what I thought lmaoCould be you need sm1 of the opposite sex, so kiss him princess. It's for science.
Could be too wide age gap, find sm1 closer in age.
Find common attributes of all 7 sisters + MC first, then form hypothesis, test, verify/disprove and repeat.
Children ?!?!?Imagine if that actually works. The he had to go around kissing everyone in the whole country, Men and wemen, Old ppl and children. :v
Technically speaking, even the children are decades older than Sir Alec.Children ?!?!?
The scientific method will not be stopped.Dude so stoic he kissed a old man to check a hypothesis. Someone needed to tell him to loosen up a bit when he was a kid.
The trend in seeing so far (and by "trend" I mean "it happened twice") is the curse will likely break when each of the princesses have kissed him in return.Chiara said there was a small cut next to his lip on page 31 of the first chapter. (It was invisible to us readers.) So it might be contact with his blood or ingesting his blood that actually wakes them up, and not the kiss itself. Not that I think the solution will be him bleeding on every sleeper or force feeding them all his blood, that would be a bit much.
Image of a child kissing his mommy, daddy, aunties, and uncles in the lips 'cause child.Technically speaking, even the children are decades older than Sir Alec.