Thanks for the release!
Maybe it's because it didn't release in so long but i can't remember what God's Stone of Retaliation is supposed to be or what it's effects are, can anyone help?
@Arethis It's a magic stone that interrupts and suppresses the powers of Witches. It's the only way the Church, for example, is able to capture and contain them safely.
@TheGoodFella See the Translatior's note. Translator changed the name because it was weird.
Also, for those saying Scroll looks way too young to be 40, that's because Witches are inherently beautiful in this world, and end up retaining their youth for quite a while.
Its pretty good I honestly dont have any gripes about the chapter, could do for a little polish here and there but all in all its good. Also thank you for translating this I thank thee.
Why change the name though.. if that's the name she uses you should keep it like that
not a fan of TLs changing names for no real reason.. can't just rename Shin to John either 😒
Do you think you could send me the raws so I could properly typeset this? Thanks
(of course you would be credited as raw provider, and I'd also probably use your translation, seeing as I don't speak any asian language )
@Allexio I took this from here there's probably better options but this was rushed so I just took the first result that looked acceptable