@xtheconman : There comes a time when a guy (or girl, for that matter) has to bite the metaphorical bullet and see about getting a new keyboard.
Fuck knows the one I'm typing on is missing a key too... but it is one of the extra ones I don't even know the purpose of, so it doesn't matter to me. I've had this keyboard since .... well, years ago. It is a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 3000 V2.0 according to the label on the back. Reckon it must be over 10 years old by now. It has held up pretty well, though I had to retire the mouse that came with the combo initially a few months back.
I've tried to get replacements for this one a couple of times, but funnily enough both of those were complete trash. A real disappointment.
But yeah. If it reached the state yours is in, even a bad keyboard in working condition might be better. Could probably get one cheaply enough... or if you're really hard up, just steal one from a library or something.