Just some feedback on this translation: There needs to be more proofreading, maybe have at least 2-3 people proofreading the script before finishing. There are just too many grammatical errors in this translation that it pains me. There are also a lot of redundancy in the texts, makes the dialogue (or monologue) more confusing than it needs to be (e.g. the texts in the amazing ukiyoe tapestry worthy page with yoriichi). If English isn't exactly your primary language, i could definitely understand, and much appreciate it that you guys take the time to translate. Hopefully there are more helpers in your team to further polish the translation scripts.
Second feedback: refrain from using fancy and hard to comprehend English terminology. As pointed out by others, it seems that you guys are going for the "poetic" approach to the translation from gotouge's original Japanese draft. I honestly don't think its a good idea to put these fancy terms onto the translation for a series meant for "shounen", aka young teens, to people of 30-40 years of age. Not that many people can comprehend such complicated terms, as the worldwide language becomes simpler with time. Its nice to have that poetic and artsy flow, but at the same time, it should make sense and get the reader to the point of the story instead of making them looking up the dictionary on what this rarely used English term is.
Edit 10/13/19: seems like some of the pages were redone, makes a lot more sense now than when you guys first uploaded. Kudos to ya. Still, some redundancy in certain parts of the texts are still quite confusing.