Jan 21, 2018
I would judge quality when i can view all the other chapters but i do know that its better than the /a/ and cybmiere releases
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The chapter is so good, everyone want to translate it
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2018
correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't mangadex just in some heat over releases like this??
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 3, 2018
We'll have 20 versions by the time the official chapter actually comes out
May 6, 2018
Mangadex doesn't allow release made before the official one. Since this one is 2 weeks late, there is no worries except it's just absurd to add a 6th one
Also current version of 967 proves how those who criticizes the manaplus version quality are stupid. Especially when one know that Stephen was considered the best translator of one piece long before those critics even know one piece exist...


Power Uploader
Jun 5, 2018

To be fair 967 translation was a japanese --> korean --> english, and to that it was even full of joke translations made on purpose by 4chan to troll the fandom. You shouldn't use that as reference for judging fan scans' quality.

Also even though i don't doubt Stephen Paul's translation abilities, if VIZ policies force the translator to never add translation notes we westerner will never understand things like japanese puns, references to mythology and various interesting stuff we would never get, if their policies don't allow to correct past translation mistakes and transliterations into western words confirmed later by the author, like Mary Geoise, that is a big downside to the official release. Jaimini's Box translations, for example, have always been decent, far better than mangastream, and they have always helped us with their notes to understand stuff inaccessible to us westerners, Oda himself stated that OP is mainly directed at Japanese audience and non japanese readers lose something in the reading experience. For that fan scans have usually an advantage over official releases, when they're done correctly of course.
May 6, 2018
I'm sorry but those who said that the Mangaplus translation is bad because 'name changed', 'no translation note', etc... really do not understand what a translation is and what is the job of a professional translator.
Unfortunatly, most of the young manga readers have been educated by scanlation translations which are made by non professional and thinks that those are the norm. But have you ever read a foreign translated book ? Do you see a translation notes in every page of these books ? Do you think the character names are never changed ? I'm French and there are none of the Asterix characters names which are kept in foreign versions. All Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones character names are changed in the French versions. Those are basic professional translation standards.
Also Marie Geoise is clearly a mistake by Oda since it ends with a 'z' sound when it does not in the Japanese name. The same with the tale of Laugh Tale which does not have the 'I' sound in Japanese. Oda can retcon his spelling thanks to the multiple alphabets Japanese has but this is not possible in English.
If you want better comprehension of the Japanese culture and understand One Piece puns, you can enjoy fan translation like you can read blogs, watch youtube videos or discuss in forum. But saying that the official translation is bad like Mangafield says is just a proof of immaturity and a complete misunderstanding of what translating means.
Stephen has been translating One Piece for a long time now, some of us were non even born when he started it. His mangascreaner translations was the holy grail of the One Piece translation back in the day. All those who say he is a bad translator of One Piece are nobodies who can only follow what other says like pathetic sheeps instead of understanding what a good job he is doing.


Power Uploader
Jun 5, 2018

You sound quite fixated in defending the official release, i never said it was bad. But you're dead wrong if you think a "professionally" translated work doesn't have translation notes, the best translations in books have tens even hundreds of notes at the end of the book, with numbers as reference to the lines in question, it varies depending on the book of course but if you've been reading "best" selling mediocre stuff like Harry Potter and Game of Thrones of course you wouldn't know about it. Try to read a good translation version of a classic book for example, like Don Quixote, and then we can talk about it again.

Just because the basic "professional" standards don't dictate such efforts as adding notes to the translation, it doesn't mean some readers can't appreciate to learn something more about the work, which would be otherwise impossible for them due to the cultural barrier. It's a point in favor to fan scans whether you like it or not in your VIZ fanboyism.

Also, no, Geoise is not a mistake or a retcon lol, if anything the original transliteration in japanese マリージョア, Marījoa in romaji, was incorrect. There's no way such a particular transliteration and fitting with the context as Geoise it's just something Oda came up with, it's obvious he first searched up the western word since back in 2002 and then he transliterated it incorrectly to japanese, not the other way around. If that is the original word Oda wanted, then it's yet another advantage of fan scans to respect it. I don't know why you defend VIZ translator so much, i don't even think it's his fault as much as VIZ's consistency policies which they impose on him.

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