Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
@Turahk the waiting 2 years because he was a middle school student; he wanted to wait until he aged enough to reasonably/natrually have a bank account to hide his identity. He could have done it immediately, but would have stood out slightly immediately opening a bank account before the incident.

Do feel bothered about him dying though; the money was legally his before the rule.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Honestly a pretty good plan all in all.
Changed rule kinda sucks but it didn't just 'omg ruined' the oneshot in my opinion.

Wish someone with the power to kill anyone would randomly bless my bank account with fuck tons of money too.
Aggregator gang
Dec 13, 2018
Why do I feel this whole oneshot was made to insult Trump?
What a waste of content. Taking the Death Note IP and... doing real life politics with it?
Trash. God damn brainwashed grainwashed Jap cuck mangaka.

get your right-wing shit out of here. What matters here is if the content is entertaining you or not. Not you complaining about why the Japanese don't like Trump.

*and this whole thing is so Ironic btw lol
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Trump 2020, his wife for 8 years, his son for 8 years, his daughter for 8 years, Baron Trump 2052 & 2056 #TrumpForever

No but seriously, the politics thing ruined the oneshot for me. I'm tired of the "here's how you should think" social-engineering brainwashing going around.
And I'm supposed to be right-wing for that? I'm up-wing. I'm above you and everyone else, as a citizen of Orcheim, in Elfheim. Get on my level.
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2018
lol this one shot though

basically the new kira just wanted to live a good life with money and the king didnt like that so added a new BS rule out of no where and then dead LOL

overall this was pretty much trash but guess that was the best they could do with it being a one shot and all but still smh
Aug 22, 2018
I really like the start and middle, good setup and tension with logical context of where this story takes place compared to the past.
BUT I really wish it went into a different direction
Like having the 'King' participate in the human world with his own deathnote with less limitations and given to 'new L' so it would be the boss fight of sorts.
Or have an artificial death note created by 'science' or 'magic' which had heavy limitations and given to 'new L' or a third party
Some would say that the ending was 'anti-climactic' or 'lazy-writing' which I kinda agree, BUT

I'm just gonna chalk it up as:
It's a finished series and the author was writing the one-shot with the intention of a non-cliffhanger style spin-off story. Of course it
couldn't replicate the substance of the original and if the author was given more chapters at his own pace I'm sure it could've had a better ending.

BUT as it is now I am disappointed and would've rather had a cliff-hanger ending or make something OG that takes its strokes from deathnote.
Aggregator gang
Dec 13, 2018
Trump 2020, his wife for 8 years, his son for 8 years, his daughter for 8 years, Baron Trump 2052 & 2056 #TrumpForever

No but seriously, the politics thing ruined the oneshot for me. I'm tired of the "here's how you should think" social-engineering brainwashing going around.
And I'm supposed to be right-wing for that? I'm up-wing.

NO ONE is telling you how to make/do shit, you smart guy. "social engineering " wtf.

Why do you feel so attack by these small little things huh, you tough guy
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 23, 2018
Now im not fully sure how to take this. It's kind of how I felt about the original series, everything in between is amazing but the ending is always kind of strange, but still good. For one, I feel like white L just gave up way too soon. Maybe they should've done a search of the people around Sakura Station first or something, but it just felt like he gave up super easily.

But I do think that the ending makes for a great opportunity to any future users, because while the whole world would believe its in the American government's possession, the new user would be free to do whatever for as long as the U.S wouldn't admit that they don't have it. It would probably be followed by massive issues for the Americans though, since it would cause mass distrust in the government and maybe even wars when the Americans aren't even responsible for the notebook's usage.

It was very nice to revisit Death Note though, I almost feel like reading the manga or watching the show again (for the third time...)

Oh yeah, my first thought about the "Kira Boom" making Japan gain prosperity just made me think that this must be so self-indulgent for the japanese readers lmao. Like fr this is the kind of world I would love to be isekai-d into-- so long as I had an account with that bank ofc.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
What a boring ending, felt like a complete cop out, pretty nice premise and development though
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
as bs as the “new patch, effective immediately” thing, it’s a recurring theme for God to die for people’s “sins”
or you could see it as the age old voodoo tradition “if you curse someone, dig 2 graves”
this reminds me of Mr. Robot tho, White Rose ‘s money divided equally into everyone’s E-coin wallet, completely encrypted and anonymous and non-refundable; amazing tv show, strong 10/10
Apr 6, 2019
one thing, actually Japan will suffer losses because Japan will get hyperinflation as bad as Zimbabwe
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 27, 2018
@Zaky766hI well the dude is good at puzzles but wasn't "smart" so he probably sucks at basic economics as well as English lol.
Aug 31, 2019
I know why the author killed off the MC, but it still kind of doesn't make sense to add a rule that he doesnt know about. He didn't consent to it so it shouldn't have come into effect until the next Kira shows up.

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