i remember reading this one a while ago, but it had more parts for it, part 2 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/71167783 , part 3 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/71306846 and final (?) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74187226
then, this supposed to be chapter 1, right?
I'm sorry that I don't notice since I haven't checked all of the artist's works and since this is not include on the manga series list, i thought it was only oneshot.
@Oeconomist OH GOD fuck that series, how dare you make me remember that garbage, just thinking about how sad/mad that ending was OTL kms one of the worst series I ever read feelsbadman
the fact that MC aka the nicest girl EVER in the story ended up with NO ONE only for author to time skip them and show that even tho MC liked a girl that she ended up with a OFF SCREEN MALE who we never even got to see was so fucking evil of them, especially knowing by the ending that the 2 other girls got together at the end since you see them both wearing the same bracelet AND even MC's brother got someone.....FFS I felt so bad for Nicest MC that it legit tore my heart
basically its one of the WORST fucking Series I ever read and I wish I could delete it from my memories........fml
Some of the events to which you refer didn't take place in the original series; I now infer that they occurred in the spin-off. Since I'd not read the latter, I wasn't aware that things were made much worse.