@Rheeve Ok, can agree mother really into Orc lifestyle and lovey dovey with husband and likely wants lots of grandkids. However, one of her worries with husband was over the power in MC and how it might go wild and/or kill him. Especially after incident five years ago which required her power, her husband's power, power of the hero group, and the four highest subordinates of the Demon Lord. Furthermore, her husband admitted he thought the Evol Goblins ability to power up safely had peaked with himself and if hadn't fallen in love with his wife would have married a fellow Evol goblin to reset the power level of his kids. Therefore, since he's having trouble handling his power, even with it sealed, and isn't attracted to Evol goblins, wouldn't that mean all his kids with his harem members would be more powerful as would have his power plus the mother's added in? Like if MC is SS his kids would be SS+ or SSS making them more likely to die or be consumed by more power than they can handle, right?
@Rheeve While a bit airheaded she was serious and mature when talking about the power sealed within MC with father during that time MC overheard them talking while half asleep. Likely has considered issues but believes MC and wives will be able to pull through with the power of love.