Sep 22, 2018
Author favored the BL thing with happy ending...., even the GL was cast aside. The "liberty-gay" community in Europe and USA would be thankful to author...

As a male myself, I somewhat am fine with two non-family grown females to live together in an apartment/house, or even to be lovers (lesbian), but I can't stand the grown (over 25 years-old) male version.
Sep 14, 2018
People are bi sometimes they dont realize it. Taichi rejected Souma at first vecause he was with futaba but he clearly was in love with Souma AS WELL that's why it was hard when Souma had his accidental coming out because not only Taichi realized Souma's feelings for him but he himself realized his!
If you feel like the ending was rushed I can't argue with that but don't feel "offended" (LOL) for being called homophobic when you post comments like "fuckxng gays" or something like that that's just the truth I'm not sorry for that.
If you felt offended just because you think the ending doesnt make sense just rethink and please consider that it wasn't adressed to you
@KLGChaos @jak


Jan 23, 2018

This is just like Legend of Korra. Shitty writing with a randomly inserted gay ending.
Jan 23, 2018
Perfect ending! Bisexuals win again! Shame that it ended so suddenly, definitely seems like there was supposed to be more leading up to this, but I'm still happy. :)
Group Leader
Feb 20, 2018
@jak It's realistic in the aspect that irl yes you can leave your gf because you finally realise you aren't made for each other and discover some years later that you're actually attracted to men and you've been lying to yourself for years. This wouldn't be the 1st nor the last case. You can even have situations where the husband is cheating on his wife with men or wife cheating with women.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Substantively I don't mind this ending. Like in terms of who ended up with whom. I'm a little surprised whatshername ended up with a guy, I might have preferred she stick to her gender guns 'cause really, she seemed really damn sure which way she swung, but whatever. And the two male leads ending up with each other . . . sure, I can buy it. Our hero fell for a girl at the beginning, but it sure wasn't because he found her sexually compelling; the manga didn't really give us any hints about what he might find sexually attractive. And I'd have to say that in terms of absolute level of emotional commitment, leaving aside the question of whether it counts as "friend" or "love", his feelings for Touma are bigger and deeper than his feelings for Futaba. So yeah, no worries on that score. I'd have been fine a different way too, but I can work with this.

But I still didn't like the chapter. What bothers me about this is it ends up just not having any emotional payoff because of the first person POV. It's a clever idea but IMO it doesn't work. You spend nearly all your time looking at people you've never met before and don't give a damn about, and even when the view is of someone you do care about, even when you've figured out who your viewpoint must be from, it still generates the reverse of intimacy because you're only seeing half the conversation. The whole thing is working like a puzzle, not like a satisfying conclusion. Very gutsy move to do something experimental like that for your grand finale; unfortunately, the experiment failed badly IMO--sometimes "gutsy" is just bad judgement. The level of dislocation from the time skip just adds to the problem.
May 13, 2018
The idea of "you don't know what will happen in your life in adulthood" is a very good concept for an ending but in here it just feels very flat
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 26, 2019
me reading ichinose at the beginning: okay
me realizing which ichinose that was: NOOOOOOO

on a serious note, the ending wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, and although im kinda disappointed about masumi (im a lesbian alright), hey, the more bisexual rep we have in these mediums, the better! definitely the ending didn't take from it how good of a manga it was, and considering this is SHONEN jump, it did the job really well.

also, like other people have said, it was never explicitly shown or said that taichi was exclusively sexually attracted to females, and it was explored many many times, with both futaba AND touma, that friendship and romantic love can at times be tricky and well, both of them are important people for taichi. did it feel rushed? yes, but not because taichi was made bi or gay all of a sudden, but because we weren't really told how that appreciation and platonic love he had for touma turned into romantic love to the point that they get married. we were just told off screen of moments that were ESSENTIAL to the ending, without which we wouldn't really understand it since the ending is set in a different time, space and context that the one we saw through the manga and became to understand well. just knowing that they happened is not enough for us to totally understand the ending and these adult versions of the characters.
but like a friend said, this was most probably a test run to see what the reception would be for the shonen demographic of such themes, and the themes addressed in the manga are still very important and i hope we can see more stories that are not so blatantly yaoi or yuri but more like a coming of age story about serious issues.
May 15, 2019
(Talking about chapter 53) One page everything is all and well the next they are broken up after 2 years? Come on man that’s just way too sudden, it was a nice vibe they had as friends there and it was ruined in an instant.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
Where are the chapters where my boi Touma getting together with Tai.....where....
Masumi ending up with a guy, well, it doesn't matter if she's bi or gay, you love who you love at that specific point in your life, and at some point, you meet a person that stays with you, so i'm not gonna jump to labels. THAT SAID, IT WOULDN'T HAVE HURT TO SEE HER WITH A WOMAN, GODDAMNIT.
Still, I wonder why the author chose to not show Touma's face at the end (I love how Touma checked in with Tai's last name at the start tho <3)
Idk about you guys, but I felt from the beginning that Tai and Futaba were not very compatible and I would be let down if they did end up a couple as adults. They look similar and are both sorta reserved, but they don't complement each other well. Futaba's taste didn't really change tho haha her husband is sorta derpy the same way, it's cute.
All in all, I'm happy with this ending. I wish we could see more of how our 2 guys got together....but oh well, I suppose the author ran out of time/energy.

Also to all the idiots in the comments saying "Tai showed no signs of being gay", I'm sorry to break it to you, but that's not how sexuality works. And besides, what do you mean there were no hints...Have you seen the way he looked at Touma? There was at least something there. And this end is 7 years after highschool, that's a long ass time to mull over memories and good times over a drink or two.
Apr 16, 2018
"Friend or lover, which would you choose?"

*taps forehead* you dont have to choose if you make your best friend your lover. lmao

While I'm definitely happy with this ending, I do feel robbed of seeing how things ended up like this. To be fair, the true ending was two chapters ago, this is more of a epilogue.

Masumi's arc could also have been handled a bit better, as she was highly framed as a lesbian - whether she's settling, or accepted her bisexuality later on, etc could have been explored at least by a narrator or something. Someone mentioned this, but the vague aspect of the first person POV certainly had its drawbacks. I do appreciate how her husband resembles Futaba though, Masumi probably is attracted to a certain type that transcends gender. Same tbh

Yeah, this ending could have been handled much better (honestly I got the impression the author just wanted to finally wrap things up asap), but nothing in this chapter should come as a surprise if you actually paid attention to this manga's main themes, what was being shown and what was being told in this story.

(Besides, some of you are clearly too straight to even get a clue about how the path to discovering yourself as a LGBTQ person goes and are too hung up on labels.)
Mar 5, 2019

i love these characters so much and want to see them happy but this is not it. :mad:
by the end all four of the protags just feel like strangers. like how did u get like this? why were we not privy to see? what was the point of it all?
i wanted touma and taichi to be together but if you're gonna end the story here it might as well be taichi and futaba or just taichi alone. he Did Not fall in love with touma at all yet (literally the last scene before timeskip was him rejecting touma) and was still very much in love with futaba. and taichi doesn't even get to go to her wedding? thats just too sad...

also masumi is bi?? how??? literally no part of her character the whole way through suggested she was anything but gay.
i know the author had a specific outcome they wanted from the start and had to ax it but without the set up it just feels totally alienating. might as well compromise so u don't end up with something like this where nothing makes sense and the audience is completely disconnected from the story.

i guess i'll wait for the volume extras to really pass judgement but right now this is one of the most upsetting ends of a manga i've read in a long time...
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 20, 2019
If Sensei write this kind of ending for brought up discussion, comments or conflicts... Sensei did great. Since now i'm conflicted with myself for like or dislike this ending.

And btw, masumi husband seems like trans. He said about don't belong to any groups.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
The totally 100% gay girl that only liked women ends marrying a man...
99% of the drama between the main characters was that his best friend was actually gay, and the friend felt doomed because he was straight and had to brake his heart. He did that but suddenly never mind, fuck my girlfriend, fuck me buddy.

Bullshit ending.
Jan 24, 2018
I like the ending, per se. It's not very consistent with the characters, by that age they would probably know if they were attracted to men or women. I understand that it's not black or white and that there is a spectrum, but it's at least weird that Masumi ended with a man and MC ended with his best friend. It's not what has been shown to us up until the second to last chapter. Either way, it was a fun ride. I think that the two main characters were always Taichi and Touma, and Futaba was kind of the third wheel. She and Taichi didn't have much chemistry. In a way this ending reminds me of the one from Yamada and the seven witches, with a time skip that brought happy conclusions for every character, without explaining how we got there. I'm happy but I don't feel that this ending is "earned", if that makes sense.
Group Leader
May 12, 2018
The totally 100% gay girl that only liked women ends marrying a man...

Just like every time there's a "lesbian" "main" character outside of yuri manga.

But it's okay because muh bi rights. Representation of minority A at the cost of minority B is definitely a good thing.
Jun 22, 2018
I wasn’t sure how much I liked this ending at first because it definitely feels unsatisfying but the more I sit on it and read it... I can’t help but feel it’s exactly in line with the themes of the manga— that people are messy and complicated and you might never really know why someone feels and acts the way that they do. It reminds me a bit of how I felt when someone told me two people who I was sure hated each other in highschool had their wedding a while back. It’s unsatisfying to adult readers looking for a romance, maybe, but I think this epilogue is really more meant for the 13-18 year old readers who are feeling nervous about the future and may find value in someone saying “it’s okay if things get weird and confusing and if whatever comes after highschool isn’t ‘happily ever after’”.

The first-person perspective definitely interfered with the clarity, but I’m not sure if there would’ve necessarily been a better way to handle it.
Jun 23, 2018
Having been accidentally spoiled on the endgame couple, I read through the whole thing over the last few days. Honestly, there's hints that Tai felt more than just friendship towards Touma. I'm sure plenty of folks will disagree, but that was my impression reading it.

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