@Thoshy No, Quanxi is just a hybrid like Denji (and sword guy and Reze), hence really hard to kill, and her trigger is an arrow inside her head.
@quagzlor last chapter, everyone was in hell, sent there by the real Santa Claus (the Russian lady). Everyone got disarmed by the darkness devil, some attack him, some die. Then Santa Claus's special puppet offered Denji to the darkness devil, and in exchange, she got a piece of the darkness devil (on earth). The spider devil, that Makima sent to supervise Denji in secret, summons Makima, who controls the special doll to sacrifice itself to send everyone back (still armless or dead). Denji regenerates, after she pulls his cord.
This chapter, Santa Claus (merged with a bunch of her puppets) fights Denji on the roof, but sends him down through the building to use her "healing in the darkness/shadows". After Denji gets chased outside by puppets, the zombie devil girl triggers Quanxi's hybrid transformation (+regeneration) from her head and throws the head to Denji, where Quanxi arrives in arrow devil hybrid form and goes to hunt Santa Claus, because she killed her harem.