A Boy Who Loves Genderswap Got Genderswapped, so He Acts Out His Ideal Genderswap Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

Active member
Apr 28, 2019
also a note for TL, they are not window shopping, but going to tease Haruto. because 冷やかし could mean either of those two, it's obvious which meaning should be used here
May 18, 2018
Leon (レオン) is mostly likely a reference to AEON (イオン), a Japanese company known for its chain of malls (it's Japan's single-largest shopping mall developer and operator).
Feb 2, 2018
@MidnighTea Just because that's how some group does it doesn't you should do it, It's like someone saying Young Adult Novel, Adult Novels and Light Novels being the same. Besides, if someone is complaining that that they can't find good comedy anime here, would you be recommending the Simpsons to them?

@Azarel-Sama While I do usually ignore the complaints of both sides, lately I've been annoyed with Yuri shippers because I've also been reading Female Protag stories a lot and every time something happens between 2 females, there's always at least a few people spamming in some comment 'Yuri! Yuri! Yuri!' and the recently very annoying 'Yurification!'. It's the little things that added up that annoys me, especially since some of them seem to have a weird persecution complex. At least with most Het/Yaoi shippers I've seen, all they comment is 'I ship X with Y', meaning it's just what they like instead of some type of chant to have the author change their mind or something.

As for the mind stuff, since a majority skips them anyway (Which I understand since most people knowledge of gender identity is low), I usually give a big SoD to it with the magic also changing their gender, thus most GB being Hetero or Yuri (Which Yuri shippers also do if they want to have it be Yuri instead of Het :p). There is very very very very very few GB in all mediums that deal with the protags who had their mind gender/sexuality either changed or not changed to suit their new sex and do it well.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Would I be wrong to, though, if you think about it? The Simpsons is animated in South Korea. This is one of those "is a hot dog a sandwich" type conundrums. Ideally I would tell someone looking for a good animated comedy to keep an open mind and try things both in and out of Japan. Not because I have anything against otaku who specifically want Japanese works, but because I rail against the whole concept of a "weeaboo ghetto" that we seem to culturally put them in to begin with. I think being a well-rounded person is trying everything regardless of source.
In any case, if you're going to narrow stuff down to only one country and one animation style and one storytelling style... and then complain about not having an abundance of a certain theme? That shortage is something you imposed on yourself, not the world and certainly not fans of the thing you're sick of seeing.

Anyways this is all a moot point because it's not even a shortage in the area the haters think there is one. I pretty much guarantee any gender bender manga written in the 90's or the early 00's pretty much never has yuri on the table. There's even entire chapters where the character says "now I can't love the person important to me anymore". I think I'd even seen that phrase as lately as Ayakashi Triangle? (though of course, that manga has yuri teasing like almost literally every GB manga does now, I'll at least concede that "yuri options" are almost ubiquitous nowadays)
I've given at least a half-dozen recommendations over the last dozen times I'd seen this from the same people. I've tried to be nice in the past, what you're seeing is me finally having had enough. Certain people want to treat yuri fans like crap so they can find it on their own this time. It shouldn't be too hard if they'd browse older works instead of looking only at new releases. Or just ask around instead of being meanspirited and entitled. But they have been so I'm not feeling particularly helpful.

For the record, I do actually chafe a little bit at a subset of dedicated yuri fans (aside from myself) who treat every interaction two girls have as indicators they're destined lovers. If just because I don't want a culture where girls and women are afraid to have skinship. Skinship is one of the things I most envy about growing up female and I even kind of wish guys could have something like that growing up. The day a cute girl says "no homo" to another cute girl in a manga is a sad day indeed.

EDIT: And yeah, I absolutely 100% agree not many works handle mental/sexuality changes in a way that's even remotely satisfying. If I was into those I'd be very frustrated myself at this point so I can at least empathize with that much.
Active member
Mar 5, 2019
I means i did say we are a Yuri CULT. So CHANTING IS A MUST. You better prepare your Exterminatus because the Yuri Cult wont stop even if you notice it.
Az Note For other Yuri Lovers : Yes this is a Cult and you have no right to say no. Because other community think we are a cult. Why not make it official.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Azarel-Sama Hell yeah. Also thanks for giving this thread some levity back, I am actually sorry for venting my frustrations unbidden. And yes, the Yuri Cult can grow infinitely with the powers of TSF
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
We're not going away no matter how much you hate our presence, so just deal with it. *shades*

Back on topic -- ironically I'm perfectly happy with this particular manga being exactly what it is and Yuu as a straight woman makes a lot more sense to me.
Jun 19, 2018
What the fuck es the yuri cult?? why can you guys try to form a group of anything or any genre just read the mangas you like. sorry for the english

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