A Butterfly Metamorphoses Three Times - Ch. 3

Jul 31, 2020
holy— what were they both thinking??!! that guy, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t love his girlfriend that deeply, but still it’s an ass move to kiss another girl while you’re in a relationship (regardless if you love them or not). as for our mc, i know all the stuff she’s suffered through was terrible but i wish she could stand up for herself. don’t you get tired and angry of being treated that way? i understand it’s too much to expect mc who barely got anyone to lean on to stand up for herself but i hope later on she’ll be able to.
May 29, 2020
I hate people like her the most. Sure, she’s unfortunate, but she sure is doing jack shit to fix her situation...victimizing herself when she refuses to speak up. Annoying.
Apr 7, 2019
Oh wow that’s literally so embarrassing. Why would you even ask that? How desperate can you be
Feb 23, 2019
uhmmmm...shrugs? idk what to say ok well FL is annoying somewhat relatable hopefully she’ll change anyhooo she vomited & i saw no water to clean her mouth so that is a post vomit kiss let’s hope it was a simp peck cuz if not well he might’ve gotten some chunks
Sep 26, 2019
The art is cute so far and I don't like the FL crying let's see if she changes or not ?
I like her classmate more then the black dude .
thank you for your hard work !
Aggregator gang
Dec 28, 2019
This comic is fucking with me, I understand that the Main Character has to have flaws or something you can sympathize but her whole life is a sob story, just from the smallest knowledge the author gave the parents don't seem like generally bad people may be bad at emotional stuff but it doesn't seem like they'd beat a child right? I haven't been born in that kind of environment but I don't feel like this is how the outcome should be. And a fricking kiss?? Not even a friend who can help with your problems, just a meaningless kiss that wouldn't do anything to change your horrid life, how desperate do you have to be to ask a stranger who you know has a girlfriend, maybe you thought he wouldn't do that? well, why the fuck would you even tell him??

The ML though, he's an asshole I don't even have to explain it, the proof points at him for being an asshole
@kforkween I can't agree with you more
Jul 27, 2020
the FL is pretty annoying with how hopeless she is but I cant stand when the ML is such a bastard. He shoved her and flicked his cigarette at her. Makes me reluctant to continue this...
Active member
Apr 26, 2020
Bruh, I swear the whole chapter I was thinking "you're a grown-up woman and I can't believe you're doing this", both are sick af but she's the worst. How could she have said that? That 'wicked voice' is just her feelings of self-hate towards her + inhibition and it's scary af. GIRL WTF, IT'S NOT HAVING YOUR FREAKING 1ST TIME, IS GETTING RAPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>:l

Btw, she's asking for a kiss from a man who pushed her before, just to humiliate the woman who bullied her AND him? How bad u have to think of yourself to do that? I thought their first kiss would be smoother and under better circumstances, not forced and pathetic like that; and the fact that she's trying to raise her self image through his reputation and looks... girl, pls. )": The pink-haired girl is disgusting but Naye is not good either.

Despite their attitude I do like the story, it's obvious we will have drama but I'm excited to see their development! Tysm for working on this, pls keep going and fighting! <3

Ps. Ew, did they kiss after she threw up? :C
Ps.2. If you're going home then just LEEEEEEEEEEEEAVE for goodness sake, stop playing the victim!!!!
Mar 31, 2020
Our sweet fl who's a grown ass 30 yo woman,

- is a pushover
- is dumb
- is extremely socially awkward
- doesn't even try to stand up for herself or reach out to other people.
- victimizes herself without even trying to change.
- wants to get raped (or so she says)
- is now kissing other people's boyfriends
- soon to be the other woman

Oh and did i mention she'a 30? Oop
Mar 31, 2020
Fr tho. Who tf does that?
This story don't be making any sense
- Naye overheard Min Ara bitching about her saying "she's a Virgin, never even kissed a man, she'd definitely get banned for her appearance. Blah blah" And after hearing that, Naye decides to come out of the toilet and announce that she'd go... Right at that moment... Who tf does that and for what reason? What was she trying to prove or say? That she too can go to a club and fuck? That "okay i'll go and kiss a dude"? I'd understand if she confronted them for bitching about her, but what- why? And why did she go to the club anyways...? To hook up? They said she was a virgin so it hurt her pride so she went to the club to fuck? You could've went elsewhere... Why would you do that?
And i have to agree, who goes to a club dressed like that? Heck who even wears clothes like that? Well, my grandma does, but she's like 60... Naye isn't even trying...
Heck she's not even thinking straight. Such an impulsive character. Smh
Also, she's not ugly, she just doesn't try. Go buy some clothes and makeup. Try to speak up. Improve yourself if you can't like your current self. Or at least TRY, (i stg the ml better not buy her clothes, makeup and shit. Basic shoujo trope. Yuck. She better do that herself.
- AAAAAAND he just kissed her after she threw up... Wow...
Oct 14, 2019
he just kissed her after she threw up i'm-
and she accepted it after being shoved to the ground and having a cigarette thrown at her smh.
Sep 26, 2020
I typically have sympathy and relate to FLs like this who have some growth to do, but even I am a little hesitant given the character and story set up. I don’t see how it’s leading in the direction of her actually growing. If her self esteem is that low, it’s really dangerous for her to seek acceptance from strange men who treat her disrespectfully, not to mention who are already in relationships. It feels like it’s meant to be empowering but it isn’t. If they end up hurting her or dumping her, I feel like her wicked voice would just grow stronger. And for her to attend a party that she was invited to by a coworker who doesn’t like her nor want her there after that coworker just disrespected her behind her back is an interesting choice. I’m not sure if it makes sense. Honestly, FL should see a therapist I think. It seems like the set up is this boy band guy will help her become more confident, but how can he do that for her? Maybe I’m wrong and the point is that she hits rock bottom from these poor choices and relationships and then finds her own confidence and growth. I hope it’s that because while I do like a little ML boosting FL’s self esteem in mangas, this would be too extreme and too unrealistic. I’d rather her find her own power!

Edit: basically, everyone kinda sucks so far
Apr 19, 2020
Well this one of those mangas about f*cked up people, doing f*ck up things
I don’t think the female lead is supposed to be empowering, after years of being bullied by every person around her including her mother ... I would find it surprising If she even knows how to stand up for herself ... usually people who get abused by the parents , are prone to be abused outside as well...
I guess since she was made fun for not even been kissed , she just wanted to get done with it.
I’m actually glad that she could let out and speak loud those wicked inner voices and not keep suppressing them.
I don’t know yet if this manga is going in the way of her healing or even falling deeper in despair... I hope is the former.
Apr 29, 2020
Na E, just push-left-over (self claim) girl hurt my pride as virgin person. What wrong being a virgin? Did it kill you? Make you like a bitch?
As virgin pushover too, I never feels so desperate to kiss other people boyfriend after almost geting raped as my birthday present.
Feb 2, 2018
I tried. But I just couldn’t. Not only i have no ounce of sympathy for the FL, but I absolutely loathe her behavior. She’s a full grown adult woman but acting like a child. Instead of fighting her way out of her misery, she rather wallows in self pity and indulging in psychopathic delusions. The choice is always there for her to fight back, but she never even tried.

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