A Capable Maid - Ch. 1

Double-page supporter
Jun 4, 2018
So, the prisoner is dead? And she in the future will become a queen?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
wanting to make everyone happy means making even the baddies happy... and that wont make innocent people happy... hmm now what?
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 4, 2018
English is not my main language so I may be wrong but...

Is it really supposed to be "emperor" of a "kingdom"? for me it sounds somewhat strange e.e
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019
@itsmae Sorry if we were pressuring you to change the translation. I, and some others, were simply a little confused. With that said, the fact that you are willing to change things for better clarification is awesome, and while I'm pretty sure your blob about being threatened was you being sarcastic since you mentioned the FBI(it's hard to recognize sarcasm when online sometimes), I hope in the future you don't ever feel like we are trying to force you to do or change anything when you are the one that is graciously translating this for us.

I'm a little sleep deprived right now, so hopefully what I said makes sense. Simply put: Thank you for your understanding and your willingness to better clarify what you have translated.

@GloriousPeasant That makes a lot of sense. The translation has already been changed to something that makes more sense so I don't see any reason it should be changed again, but with what you said in mind I wonder if maybe the title "Lord" would fit within this context. Granted, Sovereign would technically be more accurate than Lord, but Sovereign feels kinda odd and too literal. I suppose there are a few different English terms that can be used, but, again, as it's already been settled there's no reason to change things further. I'm simply rambling at this point. :p
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Since this dosent have a romance tag I'm assuming she gets her kingdom back somehow. I really hope this dosent end up with her falling in love with the person responsible for killing her family as is the trend for most Korean manwha
Group Leader
Oct 16, 2018
@Svelandria Hello! Thank you for such a kind message. I must admit, at first, I was a little bit annoyed but I completely understand why that was such a confusing translation. Which is why I ultimately decided that a change must be made. Thank you again for your comment and I hope you all continue to support NASS.
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
is it a custom in that kingdom to say all your wishes to a dying old man very specifically and be granted in the next morning?lol
She should've asked for stronger wish then.

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