A Capable Maid - Ch. 43

Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
Lol.. there are countless manga who take jabs at "evil" churches that are obvious references to the roman church, but it never elicits such storm of indignation. Speaks volumes.

We are in the era of the woke people, who take offense at everything, even if they actually don't care deep down. Next, they will ask to "cancel" this manhwa.
Jan 11, 2020
I just wanna say that this is a comic. Tho yes the author used the halal meat notion, you will not see react Muslims react like Kasan irl. Plz don't think what is written 100% literal. As a Muslim myself im actually flattered halal meat was explained but I also fully understand its a comic and his reaction is to further the plot. Imo the author used the right balance, not offensive but neither ignorant, right for a comic
Feb 7, 2019
This webtoon is already horrible to begin with and this chapter decided to send itself into the dumpster. 🤦‍♀️
The author probably have quite some twisted views of Muslims. (Although I'm saying this as a non-Muslim, I live in a Muslim country.)
Also to all those people who talk about how it's all fictional.. well, of course what's fictional is made by humans, and thus is able to reflect somebody's worldview, especially the author's and the people who read this and their response. And furthermore it can cause some people to actually believe this is how they behave.
Sep 24, 2018
understand its in a fictional world, how politics are in the series are very different from how they are today. while in modern times it seems very exaggerated, in times where kingdoms were commonplace, it doesn’t seem too far of a reach. im confused as to why people are uncomfortable with his portrayal as he isn’t portrayed as evil, in fact we barely know his personality at all. just take in account a foreigner holding one of the highest positions in his country being a guest (although still sudden) of the highest authority in this country is welcomed to food that goes against him and his countries religious beliefs. it is a bit insulting. ik marie will probably clutch it again and probably just make some vegetable or tofu based meal but his reaction isnt too far of a reach in the setting the series is portrayed in nor is it “evil”. but as some others said i guess if you’re expecting this to be the normal reaction nowadays, its not. most muslims (atleast my experience myself and from my other friends) are pretty understanding and wont care too much and appreciate the attempt, nor will they really be bothered by it
Dec 21, 2019
Everyone chill??? It's a fictional story. I'm muslim myself and not even offended in the least lmao. The main issue happening here is related to politics, not religion. Kasan pissed about the meat is not "a bad potrayal of muslims", its just him as his own character being a prick, nothing to do with his faith. He's offended as an envoy that the hosting kingdom was indirectly showcasing that they aren't serious to maintain international ties. And before that he took notice that the crown prince wasn't present for dinner.

It kinda falls both ways, its been centuries since the two kingdoms interacted with each other. Kasan was overreacting when he could've just declined the food and explain to people who clearly don't know his culture just as he doesn't know theirs (as evident by his negative judgemental attitude when entering the country), while the crown prince himself should've hosted Kasan's first day in the kingdom instead of prioritising the crown princess selection.

Also kinda the fault of the crown prince, he was lowkey aware the two princess candidates aren't really worthy or that great, yet he took the risk to have them host foreign delegates that he himself have never met or know much of their culture??? Thats a disaster waiting to happen.

Yeah the author is a little innacurate about the meat part but this is a manhwa not a religious class, its a fantasy setting. Some muslims aren't aware themselves of the strict process of slaughtering meat. The author probably didn't do much research into it, but the main message is sent anyways. Take a step back and just enjoy reading free manhwa.
Aug 10, 2019
I still got offended nonetheless that the author thinks Muslims will reach like that. We certainly respect religious differences and I doubt anyone would act like that instead we would be just respectfully asking if its halal or not, if not, we will just apologize for not being able to eat for religious reasons, and that's it. wth.
Jun 27, 2020
I know this is a comic but I wish people would stop taking jabs at religions. In lots of fantasy manga they are always saying that churches are evil and corrupt. I don't think this is a good representation of Islam but I wouldn't know as I am not Muslim. Also poor Marie is being used by these pricks.
Dec 14, 2018
The Halidom culture is a whole mess of different countries and could've been done better. I don't mind it too much but a bit disappointed by the author's lack of creativity to create something more unique.
That aside, I'm getting impatient with Rachel and can't wait for the prince to rip her a new one.


Oct 26, 2019
The rivalry between princesses are funny! I cant wait for marie's secret to be found out by the prince! Kyaaa! To think that the one he is searching for is right uner his nose....!! 🥰🥰🥰
Oct 24, 2019
It’s more than just the non-halal meat; it’s that this is all political. Like, both sides sucked lol The Halidom didn’t send a message previously (idk if they have to), the prince didn’t see the envoy that day (so it makes it seem like the kingdom didn’t care), and then to top it all of was the non-halal meat (a seemingly intensional mistake).

The meal was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Mar 13, 2019
*Pinches nose*

Will everyone calm down? This isn't the best representation of religion and it veers into offensive territory with aspects taken from real life extremely exaggerated... but I kind of find the criticism hypocritical.

Catholicism, Christianity, and other Western Religions that originate from the West are often portrayed in many pieces of fiction as blatantly corrupt and evil. Is it accurate? Not necessarily and I am sure that there are people out there who take offense to a one-sided villainous caricature of their religion, but they don't bring it up in a pitchfork kind of way.

Could the author have done more research? Definitely if a lot of your comments are anything to go by. But in this case it seems they were just taking certain parts of a religion rather than copying and pasting it into the comic. It's based off of Islam but it IS NOT Islam.

For people who take offense to the Envoy's poor reaction to a cultural blunder that no one outside his Halidom knew about? Just because YOU may not necessarily react that way does not mean that there aren't any who would not make a huge scene about it and use it as a way to victimize themselves and their party. People react differently to a scenario based on their personality and demeanor.

Despite being blaise about it, the Envoy does have a right to take offense to what happened. The Crown Prince does not come and personally greet them, which is a slight he definitely should have known about. Meeting an envoy from another country you have had no contact with for centuries? Probably not a good idea to test out who would be your next wife considering one wrong move could make another country your enemy.

On the other hand... the Envoy should have given the Eastern Empire a heads up. On a lot of things. Like their culture.

You cannot blame people for ignorance if you never let them know what is taboo in your culture. ESPECIALLY if your country hasn't had ties for a very long time.

Also not a smart idea to piss off your host. ESPECIALLY if they are a powerful empire.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 31, 2019
I started very dislike that blonde girl princess (?)
such a ...aaargh don't know what word can describe her personality.. just hate it
May 11, 2019
I feel like some webtoon artists are so disrespectful toward religion in general tbh

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