I knew it!
I just read through from the beginning, and when I hit the end of this chapter, my thought was, "Isn't this just the time to have the updates run out on me? So that I suffer from a cliffhanger?"
And I was right!
He has gotten way OP, but he's doing his best not to be obnoxious about it; he really is in this for the fun of it.
He really is a good person.
And I'd thought this for awhile prior to the devs conversing, the AIs in this game really are AIs. They really are true intelligences, with individuality and free will; it's a very good thing that the devs are benevolent, that they are using this game to improve how people regard others, otherwise the AIs might have become a threat.
I am concerned that he isn't doing anything to be involved with people outside of work and the game.
However, given how the game environment keeps becoming more and more real, to the extent that he actually seemed to feel the water of the bath, and has long been seemingly able to taste the food, there is the possibility that the end of this will have a complete transition into the game world, and my desire to have him be a couple with the Fairy Queen thinks that would be way cool.