A Certain Middle-Aged Man's VRMMO Activity Log - Vol. 8 Ch. 66.2

Aggregator gang
Nov 8, 2018
Does the Geneva Convention apply to virtual worlds with nigh-sentient AI...?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@Kenju depends if they're coded in, but considering that Gehennacross did what is basically the magical equivalent of indoctrinating and using child soldiers, the dragons coming to finish them off is like having a UN punitive force raze their HQ
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
2 possible explanations:
A) The inhabitants of the game world are still "only" NPCs and as such no living beings in regards to the real world's laws.
==> So the agreements from the Geneva Convention do not apply to them.

B) The inhabitants of the game world are so sentient that they are considered "living beings".
--> Then however their nations and governments must be recognized as autonomous, too.
That means their countries and governments have the right to decide their actions, agreements, rules and laws themselves .
Hence they must be informed about international rules and laws that you want them to sign and then they have the choice to adopt or refuse those rules and laws.
Before or without their agreement no law or rule from our world can be applied to their world.
The agreements from the Geneva Convention were not signed by the dragons or anyone else in the fantasy world.
==> So the agreements from the Geneva Convention do not apply to them.

No matter how you look at it none of our international laws and rules apply to the fantasy world.
Aggregator gang
Feb 8, 2019
Fuck around and find out. Not everyone is restricted by western man's empathy and white guilt.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
@NoTofu well this is much more of an accurate simulation of medieval times than most stories. I mean if you look into the most well known book on ancient civilizations the Bible you can see the multiple civilizations they killed almost everyone including the elderly, women and children; but I guess they did not kill them all like in this situation they enslaved the virgin women. Still most civilizations at that time were not above wiping their enemy and all citizens of those groups off the face of the earth, it is only modern times in which genocide was recognized as a horrible act by everyone, and it mostly started as a PR campaign against the Germans which caught on due to the method they used and how much people when they thought about it agreed that is was a horrible thing to do.

Just like how slavery in America became publicly despised, the Union used the fact that the confederates owned slaves as a PR campaign to force the allies of the confederates to stop sending support or face public backlash. The Union mostly only cared about keeping the country from falling apart, and if they actually cared about the abolishment of slavery then they would have not specifically left a loophole in their declaration for the slave holders in union controlled areas.

In both cases there were many who opposed these things, but widespread disapproval only came after there was a large push by groups who wanted to use the position as a tool to obtain their other goals. Hopefully in the future there will be more issues that are able to be dealt with without needing to be used to support war efforts against an enemy before they are able to be dealt with. I feel that if there was a way to have a public debate and actually discuss a subject in depth, then that would be a much more positive way to bring about the end to horrible or backward ideas. Sadly there are many people who benefit from these ideas and many people who grew up with the ideas who refuse to listen to reason. Hypocrisy actually allows people who take part in an activity to support attacks on their enemies by attacking them for doing something they themselves are guilty of doing. It is much easier to stop doing something if you are not directed to stop doing it, and instead asked to help stop others from doing the activity.
Nov 14, 2019

Possibly though technically the existence of Gehenna is also the entirety for why Dragon's were encountered by the player base. In game logic they were hinted at and then released in a full scale event where they were a powerful faction from off the current map that WOULD have won if not for the player's intervention. Debatably if they had won then they'd have become a new faction in the game world or at least would have lasted longer using their captive dragons to fend off the FULL SCALE dragon invasion that would have followed if the fairies fell. But because they lost they instead ended up in a position where the dragons found them and wiped most if not all of them out, a new area to explore later will be the Gehenna ruins probably where people might find remnants of their research and continue it or destroy it, similarly there's the possibility of their goddess not being a complete hoax that's up to no good or any allies Gehenna had that might cause further trouble or even instigated the dragon kidnapping. Can't know for sure until more comes out since the Author has pay walled every source for his story including the formerly free webnovel and actively hunts down people who put up translations of the LN or WN to threaten to sue.....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Osarumon idk really but think about the dragons, how would you fell if someone kidnap your kids and make them in souless dispensables killing machines that end up killing your own brethren.
Mar 5, 2019
Secular government and respect is the path to balance. Theocracy / xenophobia / racism deserve to be destroyed.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@ kwendy and @Kaarme I believe there were Gehennacross recruiters before the big battle, that managed to convince a few players to switch sides. Because when your experience so far has just been warm fuzzy G-rated gameplay, who wouldn't join the nazis, if the perks include getting to ride into battle on a dragon?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@CountryMage Those players wouldn't have been anymore sitting in an underground hall listening to some loser NPC pope's religious rallying speeches. They would have fought in the battle either till the bitter end or abandoned it when things turned really sour.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Kaarme yeah, pretty sure they would all quit about the time Earth started firing dragon blasts into their lines, but if they were on that side, they would still end up getting the unskippable cut-scene when their side loses.
Aug 16, 2020
And the Dragons are completely justified in taking it out on those responsible. Committing genocide is, at it's very core, the least justifiable thing you could possibly do. What about the children? What about the innocents who did no wrong outside of belonging to the same race as them? Those who had no choice but to participate in the war? Those that could've been shown the evils of that church? What's the lesson here? Who learns from this? This is a perfect example of pointless violence.
Like I said, just take them over. Make them regret their actions. Push history in a good direction. But now that history doesn't exist, because they decided genocide was somehow the only option.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@CountryMage "the unskippable cut-scene" Haha, yeah. That would actually be the perfect explanation for the scene. Seriously, though, a full immersion open world virtual reality game couldn't have anything of that sort.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 29, 2018
So they either drowned or got torn limb-by-limb, very nice.

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