A Dating Sim of Life or Death - Vol. 6 Ch. 21.1 - A Difficult Assignment 3

Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
Holy crap, you're right. I had to go back, but everytime he would almost get laid, he would also get murdered.
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
Remember how the cops instantly showed up out of no where after he tranquilized the first psycho woman. I doubt he would be able to do anything to Kusora in the middle of a hotel filled with her men. As soon as he whipped out johnny he would die. Yes she worked as a prostitute before, but how many of her "clients" do you think actually survived considering she's still a virgin at this point.

Nah, his best option to "test" the save and load feature would be with Hikami. Hikami deep in an empty room with no windows and filtered ventilation, so snipers would be able to get him immediately and poison couldn't be set through the vents. Not sure able padding around the entry way door to avoid an odorless gassing from under the door frame. Keep your back to the wall and keep your eyes towards the door. Also make sure that the room is able to withstand a minor explosion and keep the load feature at the read. That would be the level of caution he would need to take. Not a very comfortable way to have sex and probably not worth the effort since the would probably drop a hydrogen bomb on the shelter killing him instantly.

Stick with Karaoke until you clear the game and keep Hikami's affection high enough that she joins you in the real world while keeping Yurea's neutral enough that she stays around 50 and doesn't bleed into reality.
Apr 23, 2018
dude probably understand the mechanics of this game. If he fucks Kusora there he would have been killed.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 11, 2018
I mean, the only reason she wanted to try sex was because she was bored
Saying yes and going at it would be the common choice (a.k.a boring) and would get him killed i bet
Taking her to the karaoke was a really smart choice
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Have a feeling it won't end to good because it's her.. but who knows.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018
Finally ( really, finally ) the MC interiorized that he is in a game and he's thinking rationally about what to do, unlike he did in the first chapters. TBH I'm not sure if there was a right option in this chapter situation, but really , there was a clear red flag in there and it is nice to see a MC recognizing a red flag when it is shoved into his eyes :p
Feb 11, 2019
If he doesn't start to limit these points I'm seeing a situation where the cleaner is going to be told by the psycho gang head she isn't allowed to talk to or communicate with him and the cleaner's going to go on a rampage because her points are making her act without thought
Aug 15, 2020
This is nice and all but I kinda want the MC to go full John Wick and murder the all of the lil bitch's underlings and beat her near an inch to death. We'll see if she's bored then.

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