A False Confession - Ch. 30

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
I get that writing-wise, the cuts make sense but it's slightly confusing reading 29 and 30 the way that they are. I don't think it translated all that well in manhwa form, seeing that I'm not the only one thrown off. But after deliberating and reading other people's interpretation I can see that Renee started to use the sleeping pills.

My theory/understanding- She's using sleeping pills since she feels bad for having Lili help her sleep. She is suffering from insomnia because of the death of that one dude and then the deaths of others after. I think using the pills is warping her senses or not really helping her- her sense of time and anxiety is being affected. Even though it helps her sleep, she's not feeling any better since their situation isn't getting any better. I think the blacked-out parts are her sleeping. Usually sleeping pills can give the user a complete blackout sleep and I think that's what is happening (or when they closed up to her tired eyes). And the fast-forwarded events is her living through the motion of things. Like she said about things becoming a habit, this was becoming a habit to her and she's started to go on automatic. This then made her realize that she's greatly affected and that the deaths + her own dangerous experience have caused her to have PTSD.

Whether it's really been more than one day since they climbed the hill or many days, I think my understanding still makes sense.

I was hoping there wouldn't be a real war. I feel for Renee.
Mar 23, 2019
I don't wanna be that person that complains too much, but this is getting too repetitive for me.

I mean, I've lost count of how many times she's thought about how much she hates war but everyone else seems fine even though people have died and she needs to take care of her health and yadda yadda.

Granted, what's making me so impatient is probably the fact that the false confession is talking so long to happen, but I believe that even if that wasn't the case I'd still think the pacing is too slow.
Aug 28, 2019
Ayaaaaaa my cute Rene needs protection ! I dont even know if I'm team blondie or darkie anymore they're both amazing ugh 🤣

Thank you again and again for blessing us with new chapters!
Active member
Mar 7, 2019
I appreciate the fact at how detailed the outcome and the struggles everyone is going through while in war. Thanks for the updates!

I like how the story is taking its time. We're finding out more sides of not only the MLs but also the MC. It would be weird to get to the confession part so suddenly without knowing how the two guys' relationship with her developed anyway.
May 7, 2018
This is the opposite of Emperor & the Female Knight. Author for that literally gave up on almost every action scene.
Mar 18, 2019
Y’all is mangadex glitchy? In place of some pages for this chapter, I got pages from the next chapter :,) when I refreshed it, it was all good but still
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 13, 2018
Oh no is she getting night terrors?

Damn I like the poetic tone of that last few panels.

@NoireNawaru true trueee! Well said.
Oct 8, 2019
aah that explain the last very confusing chapter! Ok then I guess I get it :)

@roxanneayy yes that's what I understand too. Thanks to have put words on it!
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
I must say I kind of like those "incomplete" gloves these guys wear 😅

But yes: if you take a medicine for too long your body will develop resistance to it, just like a virus or a bacteria that becomes stronger when treated for too long with the same drug. And don't even think about enlarging the dose: that won't help at all unless your doctor was the one to do it

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