A Flirty and Devoted Kouhai (Pre-Serialization)

Nov 17, 2019
Lmao, is the mangaka going to translate it? Probably not. All they do is point at TL groups that do it for hobby and say that they are stealing their work. Hell, even many mangas and webtoons got all its popularity because of hobby TL groups. If you are never going to make official translate, why bother being mad at TL groups. You ain't gonna make profit eitherway.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
>we wouldn't monetize ourselves in any way
>here is our patreon
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Petition to remove the word "bitch" from the title
No idea why the author went with that...
Feb 25, 2020
@VINT64 i didnt say we wouldn't for the other series though :p jokes aside, my plan was for it to just cover for any raws we use, or for basically any form of commissions/requests we take. (we are a small team, its pretty obvious we won't reach taco levels of monetization anyways. )

@jazz9 the meaning in japanese is different from english. actually, as a hobbyist writer myself, i support the naming scheme, because it stands out. In a wall of text, several of the things one easily notices are swear words and katakana (due to the sharpness of the characters compared to hiragana and kanji).

@Tomoyo86 man, i wish he would understand that. but oh well, i dont want to bother trying to pick apart his brain. that would be a waste of my energy and time.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@ShunZephyr as far as I know, Taco doesn't have a patreon. I believe I saw ko-fi acc, but I'm not sure. And that's not the point. I mean, normal greedy teams buy raws using their own money and beg constantly for donations at credit pages with chapter releases, "to pay back for the raws". But they still continue releases even if they don't get money, it's only that their pleads become more desperate. What you do is trying to get money before any raws are bought. This looks more like "pay us money, and then we will translate something to you", which is even worse. And your translation history as a team is small and sad. My advice in this case is for you to stay on free things, published on twitter/pixiv. For quite some time. To earn at least some recognition. Or, if you so want money to buy the raws, to stop translating and work more IRL to earn those money. If you still want to be called "free translators" or whatever.
Feb 25, 2020

Beware long wall of text.

>as far as I know, Taco doesn't have a patreon. I believe I saw ko-fi acc, but I'm not sure. And that's not the point.

Well isn't that the same then? It's still asking for donations. IIRC you can cancel patreon at anytime you feel like it. But yes, that is not the point.

> normal greedy teams buy raws using their own money and beg constantly for donations at credit pages with chapter releases

I believe in transparency; so frankly, i would like it if i could pay the staff to do the work they do, since they do work hard on it. (me included, of course.) But that is something of a luxury, since that's not what we are aiming for nor was it what MelonPan was created to do. It's just something along the lines of "killing two birds with one stone " for me.

I also like to believe that I, or the other members of the team, are not that sort of person. I could be wrong, that's a possibility too. But I might also be right.

Also,I feel that we aren't really pushing the so called monetization as hard as we could be. it's just in a corner of the announcements page, and i didn't even bother using a everyone ping. it was just a "hey cool we have this now" sorta thing.

> But they still continue releases even if they don't get money, it's only that their pleads become more desperate.

Firstly, I apologize to anyone if it felt too pushy to you, this is my first time being so high profile on the internet, and I'm as much of a newbie as one would expect, maybe more. I would like to request some leniency on that matter. As you can uh, tell with my very very emotional and rash replies both in MD and discord. I'm trying my best to work on that.

Next, I, as an individual, honestly don't see a problem with this though? The credits page is easily skippable, it's just like youtube ads, you can just tune them out if you wanted to. If you are so inclined, you could do that with our credits page as well. it's just one extra button press per chapter. I'm sure there exists much more wasteful movements than that.

>This looks more like "pay us money, and then we will translate something to you"

"pay us money, and then we will TL for you" would be, I feel, more like us actively withholding chapters, openly giving you guys blue balls with leaks, and then setting it to release only when we hit a certain goal. We didn't implement early release patreon tier rewards exactly for this reason as well, I didn't want people to feel like they NEED or SHOULD give us money.

Granted, we still have internally agreed upon release schedules and stuff since it would be bad if we don't space out the uploads to create a semblance of some sort of regular schedule for the sake of the lone TLs work (read: I'm the bottleneck, and I don't like feeling that way.), but every one of our readers is basically equal to us when it comes to being "first to read".

(Except our patreons and donators, cause thank you for being crazy enough to hand real cash over the internet to what is essentially a group of people blindly following a delusional catboy's orders.)

Take my words with as much salt as you want, but whatever is donated to us is just a planned means for me to buy the team a couple of hot coffees/melon pan and some raws to play around with. (we all sometimes just need that extra bit of motivation to keep us going, or so I would like to believe.)

We also are taking commissions and stuff, so there's no denying we've actually moved away from being totally free of monetisation per se. BUT that won't affect the amount of free work we publish. That's just extra stuff we do, with money to justify the extra effort we have to put in (for example cutting out time spent doing other things).

> And your translation history as a team is small and sad. My advice in this case is for you to stay on free things, published on twitter/pixiv. For quite some time. To earn at least some recognition.

I very much agree with you. We definitely plan to continue along this route for some time. Our team is new, we are very much inexperienced (especially the TL side of things aka me, probably not so much in the way of the editing since our editors are the personifications of speed and accuracy), we will take on a much more high profile series when I feel the time is right, not a moment before.

>Or, if you so want money to buy the raws, to stop translating and work more IRL to earn those money. If you still want to be called "free translators" or whatever.

Think about it, if I (or any of the other members) cared about money that much, I would have just dropped the team, then went and became an interpreter or something IRL. It's much more better for me that way, isn't it? We do this cause we enjoy what we do.

Of course, that's not to say we plan to be sellouts. At this point in time, we are just trying out many things and seeing what does and does not fit. (Secretly, I've always harbored dreams of having our own TL website, but of course, that shit's not going to fly with the rest of the team. XD)

However, for now, I feel that this is a step in the right direction for us as a team, than compared to originally where me and Tsudow were just groping around in the dark in regards to what we actually wanted MelonPan to be while doing whatever we wanted.

We now have something solid to work towards and finding people who want to support us as much as we support them is gratifying. (You won't believe how happy I was when we had our first patreon. I never thought someone would care enough.) and as I've said, donations and stuff are purely optional, nothing is paywall locked (unless u have some sort of ungodly fetish for my shitty TL notes, that is. In which case, yeah then that's paywalled, you degenerate.) , there are no loot boxes, no p2w. Nothing of that sort.

Also, that sort of monetization argument can be turned towards any sort of content creator, like youtubers as the more well known argument. Where does the line between earning money and making people happy start and end? It's just a huge blurry line, isn't it?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@ShunZephyr bruh no
>Where does the line between earning money and making people happy start and end? It's just a huge blurry line, isn't it?
We're not talking about that. We're talking about the line between "getting some money along the way of having fun" and "being an annoying beggar". And I can give you rough outline, I guess:
>[ko-fi vs patreon] Well isn't that the same then?
No, it has an important ideological difference. When subscribe to be a patron, you pay to the guy/team monthly to support their work. When you pay through ko-fi, it's one-time by default, and has meaning of "say thanks to a guy by buying him a cup of coffee". As you see, work is hardly mentioned in this case. Yeah yeah, you can unsubscribe on patreon after 1st month, and you can program coffee machine to give out coffee monthly, but that is details.
Second thing is mostly my own observations. Strangely, guys who had only ko-fi acc, never mentioned it until being pressed with "come on man, I want to reward you, so shut up and take my money" for some time. And the link was hidden somewhere in "about" of their blogs or #info in their discord servers.
About patreonized teams...I haven't been on their servers for a long time, so I can't tell, but you guys mention your patreon on a regular basis on your server.
>i would like it if i could pay the staff to do the work they do ... along the lines of "killing two birds with one stone "
That's a dangerous path to step upon. It's okay when all money you receive go to coffee, melon pans and raws, but if you step into "dividing money among group members", you will get tons of shit with "fair shares", resentment and quarrels. Just don't. The team I worked in never had an option of receiving money, and site hoster always payed from his pocket. I don't know how other money receiving teams deal with it, honestly. But be careful. Better just set as default that "we work for free" to not lift any expectations and not turn hobby into a job.
>I feel that we aren't really pushing the so called monetization
Well, I felt the opposite. just a "hey cool we have this now", repeated 5 times, becomes annoying, and some guys can feel uncomfortable on the server. I don't know why you repeat this, maybe for new guests, but really man, those future patrons would search the link without your announcements. From statistical point of view they are and will be less than 1% of all people in your discord. Do you really think that it's reasonable to announce so often?
>[pleads on credits page] Next, I, as an individual, honestly don't see a problem with this though?
I don't see it a problem too. As I said in my previous message, it's just some ordinary greedy team which are a dime a dozen on mangadex. Sorry if you misunderstood me.
>if I (or any of the other members) cared about money that much, I would have just dropped the team, then went and became an interpreter or something IRL.
Actually, the most dishonest people, the scum of the the earth, who care about money above everything else, they don't work honestly IRL. They send spam, spread malware links, lie and constantly invent new schemes to get gullible people bring money to them on their own. This should hardly be relevant to our conversation. I don't believe you're such man, I haven't seen anything like that in you or your work, but if you feel symptoms of money sickness, drop the whole thing and return IRL.
> You won't believe how happy I was when we had our first patreon
This. Normally, it's alright to be happy, but if it was your goal from the start, then I have bad news for you. Also, don't use this phrase to motivate more people to donate to you, please.
>compared to originally where me and Tsudow were just groping around in the dark in regards to what we actually wanted MelonPan to be while doing whatever we wanted
compared to time when you were just translating kouhai, joking about Tsu being slave and inviting guys to your discord (with broken links) to chat and have fun, now you are in a darker place. I feel like you spend too much time arguing/ranting with me, DirkHardpeck and other guys, heavily recruiting and advertising patreon etc...but that is just my opinion. If you really feel that it's de wey for MelonPan... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>I didn't want people to feel like they NEED or SHOULD give us money. ... we will take on a much more high profile series when I feel the time is right, not a moment before.
BUT you mentioned a few times that you get those series only when you get money for the raws! That is the essence of drawing money out from readers who want read this series!!! This is huge NO GO!
>(read: I'm the bottleneck, and I don't like feeling that way.) ... (especially the TL side of things aka me ...
Can you, please, stop recruiting new TLs at least in this dialogue with me?! You don't need to mention these things within this conversation, but you do it nonetheless! Man, that's why you are annoying to me! Learn when it's appropriate to recruit stuff, and when it's not, please! Seriously, you apologise for being pushy, and then being pushy right after, in the same message, what the hell! Also, if you are the only TL in the team right now, why it's you who argues with me in the comments?! Leave it to editors, as they " are the personifications of speed and accuracy"!!!
>(Except our patreons and donators, cause thank you for being crazy enough to hand real cash over the internet to what is essentially a group of people blindly following a delusional catboy's orders.) ... as I've said, donations and stuff are purely optional, nothing is paywall locked (unless u have some sort of ungodly fetish for my shitty TL notes
Same for patrons!
>BUT that won't affect the amount of free work we publish.
As I said, the amount of free work you published is small, and history of it is sad. Mostly it's arguing with ironon and stupid readers like me. So, in attempt to wrap it up somehow: stop being fixated on it. patreon, commisions, high profile series, all of it. Stop mentioning it, because your future patrons will find you without all that blabbering, but as for now you just scare away normal readers. Stop arguing, because while I don't care about myself and have my fun, you build your reputation right now. And it's not so good already. Focus on your hobby solely: white mage, maybe some other series of which you can get raws for free. Buy raws if you really want to translate those series and have means to buy them raws right now, don't wait for donators. Don't be fixated on "official translations" be true to what you wanted to be. What will really add to your value is how much chapters you will release in next half year. Max it out at the cost of time you spend for ranting and begging for donations. Do the actual job, dammit.
Sorry for stealing your time. Good luck with your work.
Feb 25, 2020
Yeah, I'm currently a bit busy so i don't have time to read through it all, but I will at one point and think about it. thanks for the advice!
Aug 10, 2018
Alright, aside from the whole drama/debate, this story is not as wholesome as everyone think it is. The latest chapter took quite a turn.
Apr 23, 2020
So how many raw chapters are there?
Are there 25 (as I saw on authors pixiv) or there are 34 (on Chinese sites)? Also, what's the update frequency of the raw manga?
Jan 28, 2019
It's a school manga. I don't know why you'd expect her to look like an adult. Just go watch some regular porn if ur horny brother lmao
Oct 3, 2019
@translations n stuff

please continue to translate this interesting piece of reading material 😄

i have been reading this manga from Chapter One and i would love to see the series to the end, if i could 😅

if you would continue to scan and upload, you would make me and other readers i presume, very happy 🙃

thank you for all the you hard work 😤

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