just based on how they describe the prison, it's probably a till death prison, so nobody gets out once they are incarcerated there and as such just live semi-normal lives with the chance of being stabbed
Also i had a thought about Liche, and i she reminded me of the bunny in Monty Python and the holy grail. Wher yeah she looks cute and innocent, but she can (and will if you threating her friends) kill you.
just based on how they describe the prison, it's probably a till death prison, so nobody gets out once they are incarcerated there and as such just live semi-normal lives with the chance of being stabbed
Well the dancer said they won’t be there forever so it’s not that bad. If the other option beside forever was death, I would consider it quite bad. They also have a way to resurrect someone that has died so even death might not be the end. So I’m just guessing they have to stay there for a very long time at least.