Am I crazy for thinking Do-Eun kinda seems super possessive over her boyfriend? I mean how she was so angry over him joining a club and him not telling her. That just doesn't seem like such a big deal to me,, he should be able to join a club if he wants to, it's his life he should do what he wants with it. I'm super glad that they explained that it wasnt the club thing that broke them up it was their distance, which I understand and makes more sense. I guess I just dont understand why so much emphasis was placed on this one incident. I think I remember Do-Euns boyfriend promising to not join a club and that's crappy on his part to do something behind her back. But it's also really crappy of Do-Eun to try to restrict him like that. Anyway, I guess my conclusion is that they bring the worst out of each other, hope Do-Eun chills out and gets happy with the blond cutie!
Sorry for the super long post, thank you so much for translating!