@beepboop1 Well, if they're already an adult who has a lot of experiences then it's a different matter then, what I mean by newcomers are for a new generation of kids who are still naïve. Shoujo are aimed at little girls/teenagers, you should've introduced them to adult-themed josei manga aimed at adult women. Kids tend to think very simply and easily entertained, I know a lot of manga/anime that I think was cool back then but after I rewatched it nowadays I found a lot of its flaws. Some series/shows might not be interesting or fun to some people doesn't mean it's not fun to someone else.
There's a reason manga is categorized into different target audiences, people outside the target audience might be alienated or find it unappealing. Imagine, for an elementary schoolgirl a scene with a couple holding hands might be seen very differently than us an adult, we might see it as something normal nothing new from it, but for them, it might seem very romantic.
NB: I'm not against innovation, some series do try to innovate and it's cool, but I also get why some choose the more stable path, only aiming to entertain a few niche audiences.